chapter twelve.

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a/n: beyond grateful for 2k. you guys are amazing. ❤️

Sorry if there's typos, too lazy to proof read.

**millie's pov**

"Come on, guys! Let's go as soon as school's over." Gaten pleads desperately, who's slowly squeezed closer into our friend group as the days have passed by, wanting nothing more than to go see a movie with all eight of us, as we all walk along the stretched hallway in a gathered formation, during the midst of the fourth passing period.

Maybe, going to see a movie would clear my head that Finn's been stupidly hijacking.

"I have homework, dude. Why don't we all just go a little later tonight, once I get it done?" Noah claims with disparities about the schoolwork he insinuated that he didn't want to do, but then recommends a different plan, as I walk ahead of everyone else, carelessly shuffling my flashing pink sneakers against the rigid black carpet.

"But, I'm scared of clowns!" Sadie argues in protest about going to see the film 'IT', as I exhale a small chuckle at her fears, swaying my bare arms along my sides.

"You'll get over it, Sink. Come on, I'm serious you guys, I wanna go see it. We're all going today, whether you want to or not." Gaten determinedly announces to our friend group, as selected people laugh in retaliation, myself included, along with Grace, Iris, and Caleb.

"Okay, okay. Someone look up the show times, and we'll go from there. I have a pig to dissect, so I'll just see you guys at lunch." Maddie finally engages herself into the conversation, before waving us goodbye due to her anatomy class that was on opposite sides of our location, as we all overlap each other with a return goodbye.

"Yeah, that's right. We're going." Gaten announces proudly from behind myself once again, as I playfully roll my eyes at his persistence, softly shaking my head.

"Shut up!" Caleb and Iris retort with playful tones, as I assume one of them pushes the curly headed boy into a shove, due to the sound of friction against the carpet from the bottom of someone's shoes as if they stumbled.

My friends are something else.

Ding! Ding! Ding!

"Shit, we have one minute. Later, dudes!" Gaten panics in response to the warning bell, as I finally turn my head around to look at his frantic urgency to get to class, a soft chuckle escaping my lips, the formation breaking since none of us wanted to be late.

"Later!" We simultaneously shout, saying our goodbyes until lunch time, as Iris and I quickly pat our feet against the floor, approaching the staircase in which our ceramics class is held on the first floor, inside of the first door on the right.

I don't feel like glazing my pot today.

In fact, I don't feel like doing anything.

It's just one of those 'I'd rather not.' days.

  "Mills, please perk up. I really hate seeing you so bummed." Iris frowns beside me, the ponytail holding her blond hair swaying, as we hurriedly sprint towards our humid classroom, since the kiln is always turned on, firing up the clay that's molded into creative objects.

"I'm not acting I?" I deny in response to her claims, before I realize it's pointless to pretend that I'm not acting a certain way, if I really am.

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