chapter thirty.

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a/n: I've listened to "Every Breath You Take" by The Police at least a trillion times since season 2 because of Mileven what's wrong with me

  4 days isn't cool I know, but school aodnwkdkke

   **finn's pov**

"Finn, seriously...I can just give you a ride. You don't have to bike there." Millie pouts with a pleading head shake, as the early Monday morning sunlight beamed through her kitchen, a fancy bagel with little slices of fruit coating both halves onto a plate directly in front of her.

She's so sweet.

But I don't want to people to see her with me.

"Mills, it's okay...I can only imagine the shit that people would give you. You know...if they saw me of all people get out of your car." I admit honestly, as I scratch the inner corner of my tired eyes with the creases of my knuckles, still exhausted from only getting four hours of sleep.

Her small smile fades instantly, as she begins to vigorously shake her head, disagreeing.

"Stop, Finn. I don't care what people think. Plus, they don't know you. And I swear to god if anyone says a thing about you to me I'll-" Her British accent accelerates its severity as she began to get angry just thinking about the opinions of others, as I instantly swoop around to stand next to her on the same side of the island, eyeing her intently, causing a streak of silence.

"I care. You don't need to be pestered by those idiots, because of me. Just please, let me bike to school. Don't's no big deal, I bike there all of the time anyways. Come on, it'll be fine, I'll live." I plead nicely, not minding to go to school by myself, as she develops a facial expression that displayed mixed emotions.

"You, come on. Please, let me drive you to school." Her lips lean closer towards my face, as I gawk over the length of her eyelashes, taking in her neutral makeup, our faces inches away.

"Fine." I finally give in to her persistence, as our lips briskly peck, before she quickly took another bite of her breakfast that I had to turn down.

I'm honestly really nervous about going back.

   What if Troy and Charlie try to pull another attack on me again?

   What if something bad happens?

  I always think the worst.

   Millie doesn't even know about what happened that night, yet.

   I guess I somehow forgot about it, and so did she.

  "Ready to go?" Millie's soft spoken tone pulls me out of my thoughts, her hand gently clutching onto my shoulder to grab a hold of my attention, as I quickly shoot her a nod, before leaning my lower torso down to plant a kiss on Pup's head.


  **millie's pov**

  "Hey, are you nervous?" I softly ask Finn, the mass of his leg bouncing up and down at such a speedy rate, little nervous insinuative tendencies bestowing out of him left and right, as I pull into the student section parking lot of Alexander Hamilton.

  "What makes you say that?" He retorts with caution, curious as to how I assumed so, as I spot my reserved plate of parking just seconds later.

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