chapter twenty-one.

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a/n: you guys made my day better. ❤️
sorry if there's typos!

   **millie's pov**

   Each sniffle was followed by a streak of the long sleeve of my black crew neck sweatshirt against my nose, as I sat into a criss-cross position against the bed, sighing out due to the lack of inhaled breaths.

    Sometimes, it's just necessary to cry out what you're feeling.

  It's unhealthy to keep everything bottled up.

Birds traveling into a v-line formation glide across the blue sky just parallel to a jet that rocketed through the air, as I trail my damp view sight over towards the clear glass of the balcony, observing the characteristics of nature, wishing as though I could go with the flock of flying beings.

I'm disappointed by how my parents are acting, although I have no reason to be surprised, when this is always what they seem to do.

They're adults, and they have the right to do what is best for their careers, but for crying out loud, I'm their own child, and I'd like to believe that I should come first, at least just every once in a while.

Don't you think it'd be important to them, to stick around long enough to spend time with me, before I become an adult myself, and eventually move out onto my own?

It's not very considerate on their part, to just constantly run out on me, in the midst of myself growing up.

Definitely more than enough birthdays, Christmases, Thanksgivings, and everything in between, have been celebrated without their attendance.

It's getting old.

"Hey, Millie...can I come in?" Finn softly speaks through the hot pink door, with a slight knock of an individual knuckle against the wood, as I immediately wipe the moisture droplets clung onto the lashes of my eyes away with the inside of my sweatshirt, doing everything to prevent him from comprehending that I had been crying.

"Yeah, come on in, Finn." I retort back, trying my hardest to sound normal, and not an octave higher, as I readjust my folded legs, each foot that was tucked underneath both of my thighs cramping up, because of the substantial time period they'd been so compacted, a skidded creak bestowing as he enters inside, walking at a somewhat normal pace, and demeanor.

My intended moment of alone time, ended up lasting for an hour, at least.

"Oh, can walk, now?" I sweetly realize that he got up and around successfully without needing any assistance, internally bummed about that factor, as we intently make eye-contact, no sort of expression of emotion displayed onto his flawless face.

Well, great.

If he can get around on his own, then that means that I won't be able to get as close to him, anymore.

I physically almost shake my head in repulsion at the thought crossing my mind, biting the inside of my cheek, as Finn suddenly looks down at me from the door frame with sympathy, leaning his shoulder against the wood.

Millie, seriously?

What did you tell yourself, earlier?

You absolutely can't think about him like that.

"..Are you okay?" He blatantly ignores my question, shoving his hands into his blue jean pockets, as I feel the sudden urge to cry again, solely because of the concern interlaced within his tone of voice.

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