chapter thirty-three.

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a/n: extremely sorry for not updating in so long, i absolutely hate doing that because you guys are so supportive!! but no worries, i'm starting home-schooling soon!! which means i'll have more than enough time to write :)

    **finn's pov**

"Millie, can we please go to the vet? He's breathing so hard. A-And his stomach..." I ask into a worried cry, before I'm unable to speak any further, kneeling down next to the person who's been there from the beginning, as Millie's gently hand trails from Pup's neck down to his stomach, carefully examining the area.

   "Of course...I can take him. You need to stay here. We can't risk anyone seeing you in pub-" I cut her off instantly, as my head shakes. 

   He's not going anywhere without me.

    "No, I'm coming with you. I don't care if someone sees me. He's my best friend, Millie...I have to be there." I admit into a stern tone, as her face softens, slightly and hesitantly nodding her head in agreement, giving into my pleas. 

  Pup's glossy eyes stare right back into mine, as his chest heaves up and down unevenly, very soft and slight whimpers escaping his thin black lips. 

    "Let's go." Her short brown curls bounce as she motions her head towards the doorway of the front living room, as we both stand up off of our knees that cushioned into the white carpet, carefully lifting Pup to the point where his stomach wouldn't have any pressure put onto it, each step becoming more crucial than the last.

  "Here, here, get his legs." Millie pointed out the fact that his long hind legs were getting ready to slip from underneath my grasp, as I tighten my arms to hold him, beyond worried about his current state.

   He never breathes like that.

And that lump.

   What the hell is wrong with him?

    "It's okay, Finn. We'll make sure he's okay. He's gonna be okay." Millie reassures me softly, as she swiftly retracted her car keys that were attached to her hot pink lanyard off of the rack hung next to the front door, allowing me the opportunity to remain a tight grip onto him. 

 I sure hope she's right. 

    "Okay." I softly retort, as we very carefully carry him out of the house, sure to latch the door closed behind us. 


 "Hi, what can I do for you?" The elderly woman politely asks from behind the large grey colored desk that was made up of some sort of marble material, as she removes her glasses that rested on top of her white hair, sliding them down to the bridge of her nose to the point where she would be able to see clearly. 

 The last of my worries is being found by the police and being taken away. 

 My only concern right now is him. 

 "My dog, he's breathing all funny...we just need him to be checked out. I-I'm really worried." I inform her worriedly, as Millie stood right beside me, not lessening her shared grip onto Pup. 

   This place is empty. 

 The wait can't be too long.

 Can it?

 "Hold on, just wait right there for a moment. I'll go see if Dr. Byers can take him back now, okay?" Her white, shiny name-tag read 'Marlene', as she briskly stands up off of the black chair she was previously sat down in, shuffling out of the front lobby, and into a separate room just a few feet away, more than quick to attempt to ease our worry. 

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