chapter nineteen.

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a/n: 4k, yep, I'm sobbing. 😪

   thank you. 💚

like always, sorry if there's typos!

  **finn's pov**

Trampling footsteps against the hardwood floor of the hallway, on top of Pup's vicious barking, followed by the sound of shrill cat screams echoes through out the mansion's second floor, then brutally causes me to be yanked out of my peaceful slumber, as I flutter my eyes open that withheld scattered blurriness, noticing that the outline of guest bedroom door was left wide open, for anyone's choosing to exit.

Oh, shit.

Why is the door open?

    Millie has a cat?

"Pup, stop it! Come back here!" I hear Millie scream in protest from afar, adrenaline pumping everywhere, all of the alarming sounds that were overlapping each other then suddenly transitioning closer towards where I was, as I rapidly clench my eyes open and shut, forcefully jolting myself up out of the warm bed, struggling to succeed to, due to the fact that I'm still very sore from yesterday evening's beating.

        Jesus, they fucked me up.

    I physically feel as though I've been roughly chewed up, and spat out.

   "What's going on?" I exclaim with a croak in confusion, not fully awake and functional in the brain yet, as the bottom of my black sneakers that I accidentally slept in skids against the floor with each limp, Pup's persistent barking and the shrill cries presenting themselves directly from Millie's bedroom.

  "He's trying to attack Barbie! I can't get him to stop, Finn!" Millie panics frantically from the right, as my legs wobble, trying to somewhat run into the bedroom, internally embarrassed of his actions.

   Barbie is her cat's name?

   Pup was briskly chasing the terrified white colored cat around almost in continuous circles through out the substantially large feminine bedroom, as Millie stumbled after him, attempting to extend her arm out to restrain him, unsuccessfully doing so because of his determination.

   "Stop, Pup!" I command strictly the second I entered the room, as he suddenly halts his sprinting legs, looking up at my stood stance respectfully, sudden loud and powerful hisses bestowing from the cat now known as Barbie, who had very quickly hid underneath the pink and white colored bed, since she had the opportunity to not be cornered by him.

   "Get out here, now." I instruct him with anger because of his irrationality, pointing my finger towards the hallway, as he lowers his head, slowly approaching the bedroom doorway, low growls from the prissy cat brewing aloud into the air.

The matter of his finger and toenails clacks against the hardwood with each hesitant step, as he lightly whimpers at my authoritative demands, the strands of his fur grazing against the side of my gross blue jeans, fully exiting out of the room like I'd instructed him.

     I desperately need a change of different clothes.

"I'm really sorry...that he scared your cat." I sincerely apologize on his behalf, embarrassed, discreetly examining her appearance, as she stares at me intently from across the bedroom, the area of her chest heaving up and down from the panic she priorly felt.

      She wore a black crew neck long sleeved sweatshirt that had a picture of the Breakfast Club gang, followed by plain black leggings, and plain white socks that reached up to right below her knees.

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