chapter twenty-two.

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A/N: like always, hope you enjoy, & sorry if there's typos!

**millie's pov**

Scattered and contempt bird chirps from just outside of the clear balcony door slowly pulls me out of the for once, amazing slumber that I somehow drifted off into, the booming storm from last night reaching an inner sense of malaise within me, as I suddenly feel such a warm and close connection.

Finn's arms were wrapped tightly around me, as his left leg intertwined over my own, while the other one straightened out directly below him, the way that his body was situated similarly close to how a koala travels along a tree, as the largest smile slowly purses onto my chapped lips, in realization from the source of my effortless sleeping session.


It wasn't just a dream.

  A light readjustment of my head against the fluffed pillow allows our position to remain intact, as I inhale his luring scent by gently pressing the tip of my nose against his head, forming such a sense of tranquility and pure comfort.

He snuggled me right to sleep last night.

  And somehow, I asked him to.

His chest vulnerably rises and falls with each quiet snore, the top of his curly head nuzzled into the crook of my neck, my own arms left resting around his upper torso, each of my palms laid against his thin framed spine, as they were when I initially awoke.

This is something that I never knew that I desperately needed, my entire life.

The way that I feel when I'm with Finn like a feeling that no other human being has prospered to be able to deliver.

It's almost funny, actually.

I passionately loathed everything about him, just the day before yesterday.

But now, I can feel myself developing an inclination for him.

A desperate longing.

And it's wrong of me.

The trailing of my now alert eyes falls onto the bedazzled pink alarm clock rested onto the side table from inches away, small frizzy black curls tickling the side of my red tinted cheek.

1:15 PM.

The small smile up curling onto my lips then parts in surprise, as I am forced to do a double take, rapidly blinking my eyes to make sure that the red beaming numbers read accurately.

How in the hell have we been sleeping for this long?

We only have two hours of the school day left.

"Finn..." I whisper softly, just a few centimeters away from him, taking the imprints of my fingers, and lightly gliding them against his fragile back, the soft fabric of his t-shirt that had absorbed his natural scent overnight soothing the area of my skin, attempting to wake him to informatively present the early afternoon time.

The stunning lashes of his eyes suddenly part, as I mentally swoon over the length, unable to gaze into them within a front view, his head facing towards the wall to my right, directly away from mine.

With the abrupt lift of his head off of my shoulder, I stare at his squinted eyes due to his sudden separation from unconsciousness and surely from the sunlight shining into the room, as I lightly start to giggle, wishing deep down that I could wake up to such an adorable view every single morning, a small smile pursing onto his flawless plump lips, causing massive butterflies to expand on the inside of my empty tummy.

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