chapter twenty-six.

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a/n: all of this unconditional support has been mind-boggling. truly amazed and grateful for all of you. you guys literally are the most kind and supportive human beings I've ever gotten the pleasure interact with, and I'm so goddamn lucky to be able to have that😭.

you made me feel a lot better. thank you for everything. & I really am sorry for not updating in a while, but you guys are always understanding !!

btw, 10k?? ugh, dis tew much for my heart. thank you. hope that you enjoy, angels 💗
**millie's pov**

"I-I don't understand...y-you're leaving me?" I am unable to visibly see my parents' features clearly, due to the tears overwhelming my eyes forming relentless blurriness that I just couldn't blink away, as they both stood directly in front of me onto the stone trail leading up to the house, several feet away from a long stretched black limousine parked within our driveway awaiting their return, varieties of different sized suitcases held within the older male driver's grasp being shoveled one by one into the large trunk.

"This is what's best for the both of us, muffin. You'll be just yourself." My father's voice soothes as if their permanent vacation was remotely acceptable, as I start to panic, vigorously shaking my head, non-verbally pleading for them to have a change of mind.

     My mum tightly locks arms with my father, bringing their connection closer as if their news was supposed to be perceived positively, almost as if they were announcing something celebratory-worthy, as I slightly tremble in utter disbelief.

The soles of my feet wobble, as I suddenly regain myself by tightly folding my arms across my chest, breaking our three-way intent gaze, staring down at the wet ground from rain that had fallen assumingely hours prior.

"Oh, deal with it, sweetheart. We're never coming back." My mom trails her statement passive aggressively, as I begin to cry out, prohibited from responding with words, each and every muscle inside of my body tensing up and locking into place, restricting any sense of movement.

"Millie...Millie, wake up! You're having a nightmare!" Finn panics, bringing his hands to gently clutch around my shoulders, swiftly bouncing me out of my almost unbreakable seeming slumber, as I inhale a sharp breath, almost as if I hadn't been able to in decades, flying my upper torso upwards out of the bed, causing his hands to release their caring grip, the early Sunday morning horizon beaming into the bedroom preventing me from opening my teary eyes all of the way.

     Not again.

    This always happens.

  "...Are you okay?" He softly questions only seconds later, speaking over my powerful and shallow gasps caused from the overwhelming visual that I just endured in which seemed to be reality, as I begin to slither back into the realization, blinking away the goop preventing me from being able to see clearly.

     These dreams always occur after a while.

  When my parents take off to their own convenience. 

  It's just what they do.

    "U-Uh y-yeah, I'm okay...just had a bad dream." I croak tiredly, regaining myself and the moisture in my eyes, bringing the mass of my palm to cover the cold sweat forming onto my forehead, as I suddenly feel a protective hand rest against my arched back.

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