chapter twenty.

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a/n: today is tremendously horrible, so guess what that means?

i'm doing nothing but writing today. that's what makes my life better, on top of your guys' unconditional support, and love. 💗💗 hope you guys know that your comments & kindness, is the sole reason I even do this, and of course, I hope that you angels enjoy the chap.

thankful for you. sorry if there's typos!

**finn's pov**

The sound of loud glass clinking together into an enclosed space from afar, then awakes me out of the deep slumber that I drifted off into, almost immediately after Millie had given me some effective pain medicine.


I don't feel nearly as awful as I did, just a couple of hours ago, or however long ago it was when I initially fell asleep.

  It's inexpressible to even begin how amazing it's been, being able to sleep in a real bed that isn't torn down and rough.

  Running away from home was the smartest decision that I've ever made.

  My parents can both go rot in hell, as harsh sounding as it is, for all I really care.

      But, I think that I have a right to have such negative feelings towards them.

The late morning sunlight beams into the guest bedroom through the parted curtains that matched the bed's color, rays of nature gleaming in perfectly portioned regions against certain areas of the bed, and hardwood floor, as I tiredly squint my eyes in retaliation to the brightness, substantial dryness coated into the walls of my throat, before I realize that the girl who's been nothing but kind to me the past day, was currently either washing the dishes, or putting them away.

Where did these come from?

With a silent yawn, I carefully sit both torsos up into the queen sized bed, noticing several large shopping bags set down directly parallel to my bare feet, that were comfortingly hid underneath the brown and red fluffy blanket, as I glance at the luckily closed door of the guest room, unsure whether or not to examine further, interest causing an urge to see what was inside.

Did she purposely mean to set these in here?

As the arches of my eyebrows furrow together, I cautiously peer into a giant black plastic bag that was closest to me, multiple pairs of jeans that were black, dark and light blue, made into all different styles laid neatly folded inside.

These aren't girly clothes, so they can't be Millie's.

Why are they in here, out of all rooms that this house contains?

The chapped flesh of my lips mold together due to the swift motion of compressing them, as I curiously pull a separate shopping bag towards my lap to glance inside of, too curious to hold back.

Several different colored shirts of all different varieties of style that definitely weren't feminine, along with a pair of sleek chestnut colored shoes that looked very sophisticated, rested inside of the Topman Men's Clothing Store shopping bag, as my eyebrows furrow even closer together, unfollowing the reason for all of the clothes to be set at the end of the bed, almost as if they were set there intentionally for me to see.

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