chapter two.

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**finn's pov**

Darkness began to slowly swallow the previously beaming afternoon sunlight on this Saturday in May, late evening approaching Los Angeles, a burning sensation forming through out both of my legs, the muscles contracting from pushing both limbs around repeatedly beginning to ache , as I sweat profusely, removing one hand off of my steering handlebars to absorb the beads into the fabric of my loosely fitting denim jacket.

   Pup sprints right along side my strolling bicycle, the large park coming into view, as he suddenly trudges ahead of me by a few feet, excited, recalling the place in which his hunger is fulfilled.

    He doesn't deserve this life.

  Several teenagers lured around a giant tree, chatting and conversing amongst each other, as I couldn't make out their attributes, due to the distance between myself and them.

     The rolling wheels of my bicycle comes to a halt against the cracked pavement of the sidewalk surrounding the park, as I pant heavily, exhaustingly out of breath, just observing my dog run around, grazing his brown nose against the scraggly green grass, searching for any and all food to consume, or the scent of another animal.

   "Ew, it's trash boy!" One of the female teenager's familiar voice clamors with revulsion, the illusion of all of their heads darting towards me to stare, as I harshly bite the inside of my cheek, ignoring the mean comment.

What other choice do I have, other than scrounging through waste?

  I don't have one.

Nobody around school knows the real extent of my tragic home life, simply because I refuse to tell anyone, ever. Well, I wouldn't have anyone to tell anyway, regardless, considering that I'm a loner with no friends.

I'm the guy who sits in the back of the class, never raises my hand, refuses to verbally respond if the teacher calls on me to reveal what I think the answer to a question is, etc.

It's humiliating.

"Gross, trash boy might scrounge up the crumbs from my leftover hot dog, that I threw away like half and hour ago! " One of the guys holler, his voice familiar just as the girl's was, laughing along with each other as soon as he concluded his statement, contempt with brutally sadistic words.

At first, it would hurt my feelings tremendously, receiving unnecessary comments from others about my appearance, and what disgusting things that I have no other choice to do, on a day-to-day basis.

But now, it doesn't affect me anymore.

  Although, it gets really fucking old after a while.

   It's just happened so many times, it's developed and evolved into this daily routine.

   Usually at school, comments are held back a little because there's a chance a teacher or supervisor could overhear, but when it's outside of school, if there's an accidental run-in, it's free game for them, well anyone in general, who chooses to taunt me.

When I look from Pup continuing to sniff the grass over by the patches and mounds of dirt diagonally located to the swing-set, over to the teenagers laughing about my reasoning for even coming to the park, as their feet began to abruptly stroll towards me, all together.

Why me?

"Trash boy, come on! Why aren't you sorting through it, yet?" The same guy exclaiming about the leftover hot dog, who I still couldn't match a face with, passive-aggressively encourages me, as I remained pushing all of my weight onto both feet, leaning my elbows against the handlebars, unbothered.

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