chapter five.

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a/n; 600 reads, already????? Are you guys serious???? 😭 beyond grateful and amazed. Thank you.

btw, sorry if there's typos, I'm far too lazy to proofread 💕

   **finn's pov**

  The cool and refreshing air conditioned atmosphere allows the heat formed onto the skin of my cheeks from the blistering weather, to lower down all of the built up temperature inside of me with bliss, as I almost sighed due to the restoring feeling, entering the small stylish cafe, just across the street from where Pup and I are at, nine out of ten instances.

The trailing of my eyes remain locked at the front of the establishment, examining the smaller sized front desk, waiting for an employee to come out and inform me of whether or not I can access a phone, in which I can call the number that was printed in the newspaper, that is presenting the yard keeping job up for offer.

I really hope that I meet any requirements that might be crucial, to getting this job.

   Hopefully if you're still a minor, you're suitable.

It's not like I know the person willing to pay me ten dollars an hour to mow their lawn personally, so who knows if they'd let some seventeen year old dead beat around their precious yard, that they obviously care so much about?

"Can I help you?" A younger guy who wore the company's uniform, in assumingely his mid-twenties asks curiously, as I snap out of my internal thoughts, my heart beating fast with anxiety at the thought of communicating with the total stranger, sliding the small piece of paper in which the number was written down on, that interlaced with my clammy fingers.

"Could I maybe use your guys' phone, for just a minute?" I ask hopefully, almost forgetting to breathe, unsure if he'd allow it, the only pay phone within a bike riding distance that I'm just not comfortable with performing, it's since all the way across town.

My legs are too exhausted, to pedal around more than I already have to.

"Sure!" He agrees instantly, not minding, the limited amount of brown hair strands styled into a quiff, becoming stuck to his forehead because of the small sweat beads formed into his skin, before he reaches around behind him, retracting the hand held wireless phone out of its connecting power source.

"Thanks." I retaliate genuinely with a smile, holding my hand out to grasp onto the phone, annoyingly almost not even being able to because of the shakiness present in my phalanges.

    With each pressing of a number key, that would beep indicating its selection, my heart rate increased more and more.

    I'm not very good at functioning normally, while speaking to a complete stranger.

     Shyness is an issue with me.

   Each five second long ring made the joints in between my knees wobbly, as I lean my back against the dark blue painted wall directly next to the entrance, to allow some leverage to be taken off of my lower torso.

"Hello?-Dr. Kelly Brown." A female British woman answers the phone professionally, as my eyes immediately widen, feeling intimidated.

A doctor.

"Hi, Dr. Brown. I'm calling about the job ad that you enlisted in the newspaper." I greet formally, sounding very nervous, as I wanted to physically harm myself for doing so, as obvious as I did it.

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