chapter seven.

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a/n: 'beast' by mia martinez & waka flocka flame is indeed very good okay sorry bye, hope ya like ❤️

sorry if there's typos!
   **millie's pov**

"Hey, who was that?" Iris questions quietly under her breath with a lot of curiosity, from the moment our feet exited the entrance the room in which my family and I eat inside of, when they're not across the country twenty four seven, as we began to enter the large front room, while I am almost unable to verbally respond, very shocked that denim boy was found to be sat down inside of my kitchen.

He's the one, out of all possible people, who's going to be yard-keeping, while my parents are gone for two weeks?

Why am I somewhat relieved, and resentful?

It doesn't make an ounce of sense.

I don't even know him, well, personally.

"That was Finn...I-I uh, sort of know him." I utter into a whisper with hesitance, approaching the bottom of my spiraled staircase, not wanting to have to explain the confrontation that him and I shared inside of Starbucks earlier today, flabbergasted that he actually got the job that my mum enlisted.

What's his real story?

Who is he?

Is what people say about him literally true?

"How do you know him?" Iris urges to know into a whisper, realizing that we didn't want to be overheard, as I gently shake my head, unknowing of how exactly to put it.

   "Tell you later." I slightly turn behind to whisper informatively, not wanting to have this conversation within hearing distance, as our feet trudge up the stairs, heading towards my bedroom.


   "The trash?" Iris retaliates the limited amount of gossip I'd just informed her of, about the mysterious and gorgeous boy who apparently digs through waste, rides his bike everywhere he goes with his dog alongside him, as I nod vigorously, confirming my words while I harshly pressed my lubed lips together, tasting just an ounce of the sweet cherry chapstick that glossed against my flesh.

  "That's what Jack told me, anyway. I don't know if it's for sure true, but I guess everyone around school thinks that he's weird. The only sort of feel I could obtain from him earlier, was that he seemed a little ignorant." I shrug, recalling the short conversation that him and I shared earlier because I was unable to hold my tongue from speaking against him leaving his dog outside, Iris' awareness present, since I'd explained everything.

"Oh, wow...people say that he's weird? Is he like homeless, or something?" Her eyes widen, turning over ontonher side from sitting in a criss-cross stance against the fluffiness of my bed, as I continued to lay, propping my hand up against the side of my cheek.

Is he homeless?

"I doubt it...well, I actually have no clue if that's a possibility. And I think that no one else does either, so that's why they probably think he's so weird, if he really does dig through trash, like everyone says that he does." I predict Jack's explanation, a lot of sympathy laced in my tone of voice for the mysterious boy.

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