chapter four.

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a/n: this is pointless and stupid, but i just thought I'd say that any phone numbers or street addresses in this book are just made up, okay sorry, ily ❤️

  **millie's pov**

  The attractive boy with the messy black curly locks remained sat in the cushioned purple chair that I usually care to occupy when I come into the franchise, as his lips parted, after I'd just bothered to inform him about his dog, just wanting to let him know that it's probably best to get that poor thing out of the blistering heat, which is sunny Los Angeles.

     I wasn't trying to intentionally be rude to him, I just don't like seeing animals left alone in such warm weather, because you never know what can occur even when you don't expect it to.

  Once I shoot him a plastic like smile, because of his blatant ignorance, the bottom of my Nike running shoes skid against the stone like material that is the base of one of the most popular coffee stores worldwide, as I exit the air conditioned atmosphere, and out into the shimmering sunny morning.

    Although he portrayed such a clueless persona, regarding the adorable dog's whereabouts, which annoyed me, his agonizing good looks made my insides flutter a bit, while I was speaking to him.

He had such kind eyes, although he defended his actions as if they weren't at all worrisome, to whomever attended to be concerned.

The thought then disintegrates out of my mind, ignoring my temporary admiration and revulsion about the boy wearing all baggy denim, not paying much attention to the situation, as I glance down at the mysterious boy's dog once I'd fully exited into the summery abyss, almost physically gawking at the way his eyes squinted shut, while he panted so cutely.

    Hopefully, that guy takes this precious boy home soon.

  I've read way too many articles and overheard news reports about dogs suffering from heat stroke, due to abandonment, so it would be a real shame if he's out here for much longer, considering it's almost ninety degrees this day.

The beeping sound of my car unlocking appears on top of the overlapping conversation of passing bystanders and other cars whooshing by, as I run around the front of my parked vehicle, out into the road for just a few seconds, before swiftly opening the literal hot pink door, squeezing inside with my already melting iced coffee in hand, due to the temperature around me.

   Mum won't be home for a couple of hours, she said.

      Maybe, I could run over to the mall for a little while, to look around for anything new they might withhold, that I haven't come across, yet.

The actions of my rotating wrist causes my car to roar, starting up, as I instantly shift the gear into drive, swerving out of the spot I'd claimed in front of the Starbucks, one hand grasping onto the bottom of my steering wheel, the other clutched around my cool and sweet tasting treat.

That guy looked to be around my age, if not possibly even a little younger.

I can't imagine he's a day over eighteen, at least.

Does he go to Alexander Hamilton High, or to a school somewhere around here?

The ringing of my phone that rested inside of my Fendi purse, occupying my passenger seat pulls me out of my thoughts, as I quickly set my coffee into the cup holder just right to my exposed thigh, before rummaging through all of the trinkets, the vibration of the incoming call rattling against the palm of my hand.

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