chapter forty.

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 please read: right in the middle of trying to finish this chap the other night, wattpad crashed and erased everything that I wrote (I was almost 5,000 words in), then when I tried starting all over again when it was working for like 5 minutes at most, it literally wouldn't let me write because of maintenance being down. so, I got frustrated and gave up for a day or two tbh. but it's working flawlessly now, so here we go!!

**finn's pov** (one night later)

The harsh yet easy flowing water smoothly glides out from the kitchen faucet all over Millie's soapy bare hands, as I carefully lean my back against the marble countertop from hunching over to softly pet Pup's head.

Millie's mom drove me to the vet's first thing today after Millie left for school.

She signed the papers, paid for everything that Millie hadn't paid for yet, and agreed to let him stay with me.

The amount of gratitude that I have for her parents is a little unreal. They're very kind, and they did more for me in just one day than both of my parents combined have done for me in the past five years. But that doesn't matter to me. My life is different now for the better. My best friend made it through something that I didn't think was possible, and I have Millie by my side; it's all that I could ever need.

"I still can't believe it...your parents letting me stay here? I-I never would've imagined that." I admit very quietly with one hundred percent honesty, as Millie happily glances up from peering into the clean sink in the midst of drying her hands with a few paper towels, while her parents were peacefully sat out in the backyard with lawn chairs and a small fire burning in front of them.

"Well, believe it now because you're not going anywhere. Oh, and mum told you that you're going to fill out a police report at the station tomorrow with her, right?" Millie wholeheartedly says with a smile before asking with recollection, as I smile with a sincere nod, remembering the entire conversation we'd had in the car on the way to and back from the veterinarian.

We don't know exactly where my parents are.

My best guess is that Hopper called my mom, got through to her over the phone while I wasn't around, realized that she was either fucking crazy or on some sort of harsh drug, called the police and had them go to my house to see what was going on, and then called me down to let me know. But that's not factual. Just a theory I have.

I'll find out sooner than later.

"She's been so nice about everything...your dad, too. I-I'm just so surprised...I haven't felt this good about something in such a long time." I admit quietly with a slight readjustment of my resting hands against the edge of the countertop, noticing the lowering of the broiling sun against the orange and dark red horizon, as Millie quickly throws away the damp paper towels she'd used to dry her hands off with by tossing it into the waste can directly next to me.

"I'm relieved...we were both scared about what they'd say when they found out what was going on, but they reacted just as I'd hoped for. Now, you don't have to be in a home and you can still be with Pup." Millie multi-tasks by softly speaking and glancing out of the glass backdoor to see right where her parents were, as she then moves out of the pathway for her to be seen by barely pressing us close together, rubbing her hands on the area of my back that wasn't leaned against the counter.

"You're right...and I can still be with you." I softly almost scold her for not mentioning herself in that equation, as she shyly smiles when I bring my resting hand up to her cheek to caress before I lean in for a short kiss.

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