chapter thirty-four.

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  a/n: longer chapter! sorry for typos (:

 **millie's pov**

  "I don't know about that, Mills. Come on, The Beatles were huge in the 60's and 70's! Not to mention that their legacy is still very much around." Finn argues politely, since we both just sort of lost interest into the movie that he'd picked out just a few hours earlier, and got into discussing bands that we like that aren't played much anymore in this generation, at least with our other peers. 

   They just don't make good music like they used to. 

    "The Beatles are great, don't get me wrong! I just like Led Zeppelin a lot more, if I'm going to be honest...I don't know, I prefer their style." I admit cheekily, not removing my eyes off of the screen in which Trainspotting was playing on, as Finn lightly chuckles in retaliation, understandingly nodding along out of my peripheral vision. 

  Barbie purrs loudly from behind my head, as she rested into a curled ball against the top of the leather couch, Finn's temporal lobe pressed against my shoulder. 

   Thankfully, he's been acting like he's okay. 

 With everything that's going on, I don't know how he's been able to. 

 First, he gets called down into the office where there were policeman ready to take him away because his parents are miserable drunks, and then his beloved dog and lifetime best friend develops some type of illness overnight and has to stay somewhere else?

  I just feel so awful for him. 

 He doesn't deserve the things that he in-rightfully receives in life. 

  I hope that I can keep him here for as long as I want to until everything eases over. 

  Will he have to re-take his junior year? 

Is he going to be able to graduate on time, if he's not showing up to school and he's technically missing?

   I wish that I knew how it all worked. 

 Point is, I'm not letting him go through this alone. 

 "No, Led Zeppelin's cool! I just grew up on The Beatles, so it's hard for me to think that any other band is better from that time period." He laughs innocently and cutely, as I bring my arm up that was snaked behind his back, up to his curly hair, caressing through the imperfectly perfect messiness with my fingers. 

   We haven't discussed what happened at school, not since right after we got home earlier today. 

 "Hey, when do you turn eighteen?" I ask curiously him and out-of-the-blue, as he gently lifts his head up off of my shoulder to look at me, a thin smile placed onto his plump, pink lips. 

 "December 23rd, this year. So, a little more than six months from now." He retorts softly, as I dart my eyes down to glance at all of his freckles that I was only able to slightly see, because of the only light source bestowing from the large flat-screen t.v just several feet in front of us. 

  "Good, the sooner the better. Once you're a legal adult, they can't take you. You can stay here for as long as you want, Finn...I won't let anything happen." I remind him just as softly, as the thin smile placed onto his lips widens, before he closes the limited distance between us by molding our mouths into a kiss. 

    Our lips softly smack, as we retract our heads away from each other's by just an inch or two. 

 "Do you think he's going to be okay?" Finn questions into a worried whisper, as I engulf him into a hug, allowing his head to disappear in between my neck. 

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