chapter thirty-two.

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a/n: new mileven book is up!

hope you enjoy the chap!

**finn's pov**

"Finn-" A hand clutches around the shape of my shoulder, interrupting my flee to exit the school, as I instantly turn around to face the unknown entity, the straps of my backpack sinking into my bones, an uncomfortable feeling presenting itself from the sudden halt.

Principal Hopper looks at me intently, sorrow and sympathy in his eyes, as I feel the urge to throw up, the loud banter being exchanged between the passing students becoming blurred and muffled.

What does he want now?

That look he has.

It's not good.

"Come with me." He instructs softly, as he gently begins to push me in front of him, leading us down the hallway, not releasing his strong grip that was clung onto my shoulder.

What is this all about?

Please tell me this doesn't have to do with what we discussed earlier.

Just a few seconds later, we simultaneously approach the main office, as I am barely able to keep a definite pace due to the shakes in between my joints everywhere.

Two police officers were sat down just inside of his office, as I glance at the receptionist just a few feet outside of the small room, the flesh of my skin growing uncontrollably hot.


"What the hell is this?" I demand angrily, turning my body around to face him, as we make intense eye-contact, that look of sympathy not at all budging away from his complexion.

  "You're not in trouble, Finn. We just need to talk to you." He mumbles softly, as he tries to return the hand that was ripped off of my should just seconds prior, before I thrash my body away once more.

   They know about my parents.

  They have to.

      "No. I know what this is about. I-I have to go." I stutter inaudibly, as I quickly try to push past him in order to exit the office, before his strong arms pull me right back.

   "It's okay, son. We're here to help you. You need to come talk to us, now-" I cut off the lie.

"Let me fucking go!" I screech loudly, beating on his chest with my fists, as his grip tightens around me, pulling ourselves together, before I do something desperate to be able to get away.

I can't get taken.

My knee powerfully collides into his private area, as he hunches over with a loud groan, releasing me, while the two cops began quickly scrambling out of their chairs in attempt to catch me.

I run as fast as possible out of the office, as my chest drastically lifts and lowers, my lungs instantly burning, the empty hallways allowing the echoing of my harsh footsteps to bestow.

"Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit!" I mutter in between each leap of force, flailing my arms back and forth at my sides to increase speed, as I approach the staircase that leads directly down to an exit.

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