chapter thirty-nine.

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   A/N: Ugh, I'm so happy! I think I got rid of my procrastination, so no more bullshit, back to at least one update every day or every other day at the least. That 12 day without an update was unacceptable lmao. Okay, so today I'm in the serious mood for writing hella fluff and then some emotional shit, so there will be an extra chapter after this one because I can't fit all of what I want into just one. 

**millie's pov**

 "What if they get mad at the fact that you've been staying here this whole time?" I question out into the open, more so to myself, pacing back and forth worriedly across the white carpet spread across my living room, as Finn innocently glances up from reading a random magazine about guitars he'd found in a drawer from the guest bedroom. 

  The lower the sun gets, the more I'm starting to panic. They said they'd both be here tonight. 

 What if they're not as understanding as they usually are about Finn's awful situation?

 He hasn't been attending school, he got pulled into the principal's office where two cops were sat waiting to take him into protective custody, his parents were surely investigated because of their constant recklessness, and he's just been hiding here in the midst of it all. 

 Can that be held against him if my parents thoroughly listen to what he and I have to tell them if they decide to proceed legal action?

  Say that they do take this situation to court, would Finn have my last name and be an actual member of my family until he's eighteen years of age? 

 Would we win the case? 

Are his parents in jail? Where are they even at, to begin with?

 God, I'm starting to really psyche myself out with all of these important questions racing through my clouded mind. 

 "Finn, what if I lose you? I can't even undergo the thought. Oh my god, I feel like I'm about to vomit." I admit with such uneasiness, as he mildly scoffs in retaliation about my obsessive banter, tightly closing the flaps of the magazine to pause his reading before he tucks the thin throw blanket off of him to stand up off of the couch. 

 "Mills, relax...don't stress, okay? Your mom is literally the nicest person ever. We'll tell them about everything. Hell, I'll tell them about everything. If it means being able to stay with you and not be shoved into some foster home for several months, then I can open up and talk to them even if it makes me uncomfortable. Please...just trust me. We'll be alright." He reassures me softly, rubbing both of his palms up and down my exposed biceps before I then lower my head from staring into his pure, mesmerizing brown eyes by gently pressing my forehead against his warm chest. 

 "You're right...I'm just nervous is all. We just have to be honest with them. But at any point, if you get too overwhelmed from talking about anything, please let me do it for you. That's the last thing that I want. And just out of precaution...we're not telling them about us. I don't want it to interfere with anything." I admit with a stern tone, as he softly laughs into my hair where his chin rested since he's a foot taller than me before his protecting arms snake around my shoulders to engulf us into a hug. 

 "You're so cute." He gawks quietly, breaking my intense moment of worry, as an aching smile against my lips causes the bones of my jaw to tighten. I peck his pale cheek with a swift swerve of removing my head out from underneath him, as he smiles right down at me, butterflies massacring the entire pit of my stomach. 

 "Oh, Finn...your eye." I suddenly notice a purplish tint coating the surroundings of his right eye from a punch he encountered from yesterday, as he brings two fingers up to it to feel around, before slightly wincing at the brush of such a small impact. 

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