chapter twenty-five.

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a/n: 7k... may i scream ?? 💕

  just a heads up, this chap is basically pure fluff! Sorry for typos, I don't have the patience to proofread right now.

  hope you enjoy. 💚
    **millie's pov**

Several moments of silence pass by, as I continue to caressingly hold Finn into my arms, unwilling to release our emotional connection, glancing out into the dark night aside from the beaming white moonlight shining against the black rails of my balcony, searching into the beautiful scenery of nature for the right words to express to him, every other few seconds.

I'm falling in love with every single about him.

  With that being said, when I have the unfortunate ability to see him's purely agonizing.

  I don't even want to imagine what he's probably been through, just by the rumored stories about him, by the way that he carries and displays himself, and by the way that he's acted hesitant, regarding expressing how he feels.

  It's no secret that he's endured true poverty.

"I-I'm sorry...I don't want to cry anymore." Finn states quietly into my neck, unnecessarily apologizing, the tears spilling from his eyes smearing along the area of my skin, as I frown from behind his buried head, gently gliding my palms up and down his bare back.

   "You can cry, Finn. You know, we all have to's healthy to physically release how you feel." I softly inform him, not wanting to speak too loudly into his ear, as he powerfully sniffles, followed by a very subtle shake of his head.

   The empathy that I feel for him is substantially shooting through the roof.

   I've never been able to actually obtain feelings of sadness from another person, before.

  But now, I can't help but imagine that I can actually feel what he's feeling.

    "I-I shouldn't cry, just came out of nowhere." He retorts just as softly, referring to his sudden emotional breakdown, remaining his buried head into the crook of my neck, as I tightly gripped my arms around his shoulders, insinuating that he could continue his moment that blatantly needed to be expressed in a physical manner.

    "...Finn?" I state questioningly, as he quietly hums in retaliation, readjusting his head that comfortably laid against me.

    Tell him that you're always going to be here for him.

  Tell him that he can talk to you about absolutely anything, anytime that he may need it.

     "Do you possibly want to talk about it?" I whisper affectionately, not wanting to overwhelm him, unsure if he'd be willing to, as I instantly regret trying to pursue him.

     Obviously, he doesn't want to, you idiot.

  Which is more than understandable.

Finn is clearly an introvert, and there's noting wrong with that...I just wish nothing more than for him to feel like he can trust me.

   "I want to...I just don't know if I can, at least not yet. It's been a very long time since I've opened up to someone, Millie." Finn admits, slightly retracting his head away from in between my jawline and shoulder, allowing it to closely hover in front of mine, as I stare into his innocent eyes, lifting one of my hands that caressed his back, to meet his soft cheek.

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