chapter eleven.

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A/N: sorry if there's typos!

   **finn's pov**

Everything around me just doesn't seem to be reality.

  It's all a blur.

   Pup barks abruptly in retaliation at the infamous park we attend to most of the time comes into view, that burning sensation more than present within the mass of both tired legs, uneasiness flushing over the entirety of myself to the point where nausea developed into the pit of my hungry stomach.

      Where are we going to go, that's not located in the middle of broad daylight?

    It's far too hot for Pup to be running around constantly, and it's probably not a very smart idea for me to publicly be out in the open when I'm supposed to be attending school.

        Fuck going to school, because there's no way in hell that I can physically handle another shove, a rude comment, or the presence of all of those judgmental pupils I couldn't loathe more.

     It's all become too much on this particular day to endure any more additional stress.

"Do you want some water, Pup?" I strive to ask through the psychological trauma repeatedly whooshing through my head, dreading the idea of ever going back home, just imagining the constant blows I would more than likely receive for running off with the precious money that would've been used to purchase more of the substance that makes my parent's days.

   I want a different life.

  Not just for me, but for Pup too.

He of all beings, doesn't deserve what is unfortunately never in a million years given to him.

The patches of uneven grass underneath my bicycle tires causes the metal poles keeping the wheel in place to rattle together, as I slope down the smaller hill into the main area of the large park, Pup sprinting ahead by a few feet to sniff along the scraggy plant that was a dark colored green.

Where are we going to go?

There's nowhere else.

"Fuck." I exasperate in distress underneath my breath, halting the rotating wheels of my bike with the bottom of my torn up shoes, as I lean my forehead against the warm metal of the handlebars, scanning the possibilities inside of my brain for a logical course of action.

Is there any abandoned buildings close around here?

Is there any establishments that permit dogs inside, that we could loiter around just until the temperature of the soon to be broiling day cools down?

Damn it, what am I going to do?

I glance up from leaning my head against the handlebars, intently staring at Pup's adventurous actions, shameful tears developing into my eyes, desperate and willful for a place to call home.

This substantially sucks.

After all of these years of being neglected, uncared and unattended for, it's starting to really take its toll on my heart.

But, why now?

I've become adjusted to each night and day without a comfortable bed to sleep on, a fresh plate of dinner to satisfy every human beings required nourishment, a healthy relationship that isn't contaminated with addiction, I could go on forevermore.

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