chapter twenty-nine.

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a/n: starting a mileven book here soon if anyone may be interested to tune in !! you guys think i should do it?

  btw: this chapter is really short; and i hate to say so because i like to have at least 1,500 words per chap, but i will update again tomorrow to possibly make up for it!
**millie's pov**

  I never knew.

  I never knew how heart-wrenching Finn's situation was.

   He's so strong to be able to push on after everything that he's went through.

  "Are you in there, Mills?" Finn's soft brown eyes finally make contact with mine, interrupting my sympathetic thoughts that I drifted off into, as we sat down at the island inside of the kitchen, steaming slices of steak and mixed vegetables surrounding the bottom of both of our plates.

I told him that I loved him.

And he told me that he loved me.

Finn has only been in my life for one week.

That's the thing that baffles me.

If anyone would've ever said that I would've told a boy that I loved him that soon, I'd have called them delusional.

But love is a crazy thing, and it comes when you least expect it to.

"Oh, yeah, sorry." I smile warmly, as I extend my fingers that were previously resting against my cheek to connect with his own across the table, Pup's loud slurping from his water bowl causing the smile to up-curl further onto my lips.

  The flame intensely flickers inside of the large glass candle jar directly placed in between us, as I deeply sniffle through my nose, appreciating the sweet scent of fresh linen, his soft fingers lightly caressing the top of my hand while he continued to eat.

Knowing that Finn's brother, or more so his best friend passed away, that his parents are abusive alcoholics, and that he's had to fend for himself before he's even reached adulthood is internally breaking my heart.

Although, he's in a much more safe environment now, it still hurts to fathom his home life.

I hate myself for treating him the way that I did in the past.

I wish that I could take it all back, every insensitive thing I've ever said to him, but I can't, and I can't help but feel like such an asshole for not acknowledging my stupidity before knowing about his situation in depth.

"I'm sorry." I repeat into a more serious tone, bringing a deep conversation approaching to put into motion, as he slightly drops his fork against his plate, looking up at me through my peripheral vision.

    "Sorry? What are you sorry for?" I finally look into his eyes again, our hands still in contact, as I harshly rub my sleeve against my shoulder over an itch forming into my cheek, racing through my brain to search for the right words.

    For everything before we got to this point.

  "For treating you so poorly in the past. Finn...I was wrong. I never apologized to you for the way that I acted towards you the first few days...the stupid thing that I said to you about Pup in Starbucks, the even more stupid thing that I said to you in the hallway that day before you came over for the first time to keep up on the ya-" His grip on my hand tightens, causing me to pause suddenly, as I glance at our supple connection.

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