chapter twenty-four.

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kind of important a/n: I just realized how many typos this story has, good heavens. i am gonna start proofreading from now on.

   can't believe this shindig hit 6k. truly truly grateful and blessed to have such endless support.

    really that hope you angels enjoy! 💞

oh, and by the way, things get kind of heated, but there will absolutely be no smut in any of my fillie stories. personally, that's too much for me to write.

**finn's pov** (highly highly highly recommend you give 'let you go' (slowed) by clara la san a listen but if you don't i'll still love you)

I've never been so ecstatic to ask such a nerve-wracking question before, in my entire existence.

  It took a lot, to ask if I could kiss her, because I just wasn't sure what the outcome of that would be.

However, my relentless yearning for Millie simply became too much, to prevent from asking what I've been desperately craving to feel.

And it unbelievably to my pleasure, all worked out.

"Let's go inside." Millie retracts her lips away from my eager ones by just a thread, to whisper closely to my face, as the ongoing punch-like sensations extinguishing into my stomach intensify.

I've never been able to kiss someone before.

    And I never realized just how amazing it actually feels.

    I hate the fact that I've not gotten to experience such euphoric tendencies, sooner.

  Especially with someone as remarkably stunning as Millie Brown.

"O-Okay." I stutter out like an imbecile, intently staring into her big brown eyes that were surrounded by subtle smearing of her black mascara, because of the small water droplets that had made their way onto her complexion from my splashing, as she shoots me a captivating smile, gently releasing our compacted position against the thick wooden pole, before briskly hoisting herself up onto the surface of the deck, the water squelching as she did so.

I then reflect her actions of lifting my dripping body onto the rough platform with trembling fingers just a few seconds after, still beyond overwhelmed at the feeling of being able to kiss her alas, as she giggles while striding her bare legs, suddenly running away, assumingely urging for me to follow.

"Hey, where are you going? Millie, wait up!" A light laugh follows after my desperate plea, as I boost each limb up into a stood stance, the soles of my damp feet colliding against the scratchy grass patches once I'd stumbled off of the wooden deck, swiftly ambling behind Millie's sprinting that was in which multiple feet ahead of me.

"Catch me, if you can!" Such playfulness enters her cute tone of voice from afar, each octave echoing into the dark night aside from the fluorescing tinted moonlight glistening down onto us, as I smile widely in retaliation at her spontaneous and challenging persona, not halting or decreasing my rate of pace, before she abruptly starts bolting with all of her might, approaching the back door to her house so quickly, and entering inside.

     Jesus, she can run fast.

  I briskly resume to run, approaching the back door to the mansion several seconds later after she did, as I enter inside only to hear Pup's loud and happy pants, while he sat down onto his hind legs directly beside the island inside of the kitchen, the pink of his tongue flapping along with his short and strong breaths.

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