chapter thirty-eight.

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a/n: Happy New Year to you all, hope it's a good one and I love you guys so much!

**finn's pov**

The gentle tone of Millie's sleepy voice yanks me out of my deep slumber, as I squint my eyes due to the very harsh, bright sunlight, even lifting my palm up to block the rays shining in through the clear glass sliding door from melting my eyelids.

"Ouch!" I at first screech, but then transition to softly mumble in retaliation of a throbbing developing inside of my bruised nose, as I bring my index and thumb around the bridge to apply pressure, the sunlight only making this more difficult to do with how bright it is.

God, those assholes got me good. Not as good as last time, but they didn't leave with no harm done, that's for sure.

Millie mumbles aloud once again, as I softly smile at her unconscious state.

I'm more than grateful for Millie, and she's taken a huge place in my previously empty heart, but goddamn it, I miss Pup so badly.

All I could possibly want is for him to be okay.

That's all that I want, and I just don't know if he will be.

"Hmmm..." Her voice trails softly, as I gawk at the overload of cuteness she somehow manages to display every single day without even trying before my eyes adjust to the change of light, allowing me to open them all the way.

God, I hate the way that I acted yesterday.

But I know that she understands how devastating the chances of Pup dying is to me.

She understands everything.

I slowly scoot closer towards her, as I mentally admire her endless amount of brown and curly hair strands laid onto the large pink pillow that my head now occupied as well, as the mass of her lips up-curl slightly, allowing crinkles to form around the area of her mouth.

"Seriously, before morning." She threatens in a mumble, still fast asleep with a slight shift of her arm that almost hits me on my chest, as I stifle my urge to burst out into laughter in prevention from waking her.

I didn't know that Millie was a sleep-talker.

Her lips begin making movements all by themselves, as she slightly, weakly puckers them every other second, which just causes the urge to laugh that much stronger.

What the hell is she dreaming about?

"Mills? Wake up, you're talking in your sleep." I finally break, chuckling loudly as I carefully put my hand on her opposite shoulder to shake, as she slowly flutters her brown eyes open, reacting the same way that I did when I first awoke.

Her eyes squint very harshly, as she then suddenly and very softly gasps, completely sitting up in bed with a fast hunch of her back.


It seemed like she was having a good dream for once.

"Hey, are you alright? Did you have a bad dream or something?" I quietly demand to know out of concern, as she averts her head from looking straight forward over to me before I then reflect her actions of sitting up before she develops such a disoriented and confused expression.

"What in the fuck..." She mumbles with a lot of confusion into a soft croak, as I extend my arm to rest on her lower back before she shakes her head unknowingly, even shooting her head back and forth to scan over the area of her bedroom.

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