chapter fifteen.

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**millie's pov**

  The flashing afternoon sun causes my eyes to squint as a reflex, as I exit out of my hot pink corvette with a dripping cold bottle of water I had picked up from a nearby gas station roughly five minutes prior, indistinguishably feeling a mixture of anxiety and anger, unable to tell which one I could identify more.

Who knew that the boy that I found so mysterious from the beginning, is in all actuality, a total insensitive maniac?

I can't believe that I ever felt empathy for him.

Ever since that stupid excuse of a day, he's been nothing but hostile towards me.

And I hate it.

Scattered chirps coming from the nearby birds surrounding the park echo through out the summery atmosphere, as I sprint towards the set of abandoned swings that no children or any other beings cared to attend, the sound of my car locking allowing the pace of my feet to accelerate.

I mean honestly, why couldn't he have just accepted my honest sincerity, and moved on with his life?

Then, maybe we wouldn't be at each other's throats, dropping comments of pure hatred towards one another.

He's made it this way.

The top of my tongue repeatedly glides against the soft flesh of my bottom lip, as I amble towards the black set of swings, just preparing to attempt to clear my head of all harsh feelings, deep down wanting nothing more than to call a truce.

Well, we definitely can't come to any sort of agreement now, especially after what has happened today.

For crying out loud, he physically scoffed at the arrival of my presence, when I was perfectly retained to myself, remaining all of my internal distastes about him discreetly.

If he weren't so quick to obtain a rivalry with me, then maybe we would actually get along quite well, but that would require him to give me a chance to apologize, and explain the reasoning for treating him poorly.

There's no more remorse that I feel for him within my soul though, not anymore, after everything he's said to me, and after his complete disregard to my regrets that I made very knowing.

The front rubber of my white sneakers skid against the scattered brown pieces of mulch that held moisture underneath, while the pieces on top were bone dry due to the absorbing sun, as I half-heartedly sway my lower torso back and forth, the goal behind wanting to even come to this park, failing miserably.

Why can't I get him out of my head, once and for all?

That's all I could ever desire for, at the moment.

For his damn curly black hair, those high risen cheek bones, the perfectly dotted freckles stretching across his upper cheeks and even some on the nose, the rare visual of his captivating smile, and those damn lips to exit my mind forever.

He's pitiful, but he's beautiful, and I can't deny it, even if I wanted to.

   The steaming hot metal evaporating from the chain attached to the rubber black swing singes the brown hair strands that leaned against it, as I gently pull my head away from the discomforting and abrupt feeling, wincing a little from the substantial point of hotness.

And on top of all of that, what am I going to do about Noah?

Refreshing water soothes my dry throat, as I tilt my head back to allow a larger opening, chugging it all down.

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