chapter twenty-eight.

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a/n: so sorry for typos!

**finn's pov**

I'm attached to her in full swing at this point.

There's a dependency for her attention, interaction, communication, etc.

That's how I know that she's gained something that I never thought I'd be able to feel again.

"You do?" Millie softly reiterates my abrupt statement, as I gently rest my head against the sweet scent of her hair, nuzzling our faces closely together.

Millie has no idea about how my life carried on every single day, for years.

She's asked before.

She asked what story was.

And at the time, I didn't have to courage to reveal the extent of my life, because it's honestly humiliating and quite shameful if I'd have to describe it, on top of the fact that Millie didn't have my trust, and she didn't have mine.

But now, I'm ready.

I trust her.

I love her.

"Where do I start? From birth, or when everyone started calling me trash boy?" I lightly laugh away the odd pulse of nerves in my voice, as she sympathizes my anxiety by pulling my head closer into her skin, leaning her cheek from mine to on top of my skull, just consoling me as if I were a small child.

  Everything that's been missing, is what she's returning.

"Whatever you're comfortable with. Start from birth, if you're willing to. I want to hear about everything." Her hushed whisper brings a strain of ease, as I scan through my brain, trying to think of a way as to how to start explaining it all.

   This is going to be tricky.

   "I was a happy kid. Most of the time, I'd sit out in the sandbox, ride my bike around with the kids that lived on my block, or I'd hang out with my older brother, Nick. I remember this one Halloween, we-" I smile to myself, as I softly flutter my eyes shut to envision what happened a little over ten years ago, reminiscing the actual good times my life would consist of, before laughing too hard to keep speaking.

   "We ate so much candy, that we both got extremely sick just hours after we'd gotten home from trick or treating. I remember the both of us just hating ourselves that night. We couldn't even go to school the next day, because we were so weak from throwing up." I chuckle after each and every other word, aimlessly talking about a fond memory, as I remain my eyes closed, to keep the tears from escaping.

    Her supple fingers clutch around my curls in a caring manner, as she laid her cheek on the side of my head that she wasn't caressing, holding me.

     "Nick was my best friend. He was there for me, more than any of the guys that used to be my friends, you know, when I was in elementary and middle school. When he got his driver's license, I remember how excited he was to be able to grow up. Gosh, he'd get so excited whenever my parents would ask him to go grab a few things at the store when they were too caught up with doing whatever it was they did at the time to go themselves. He'd always make sure that I was as able to tag along." The hole that I've been so prominent of keeping sealed shut slowly begins to gape open, as I prepare to tell Millie the bad part of my life, licking my lips before resuming.

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