Nice to meet you ( kalin ans myles

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----------- Myles Pov. ---------------

"So Aaliyah, how old are you ?" I say.
"16" she said looking down. "So. What do you guys wanna do today?" Asked Kalin. " i dont know. Put on the music." I said. Kalin turned on the radio and our song 'Love Robbery' came on. "Last seen in a little black dress watch out for those eye because she's armed and dangerous." I rap along looking at Aaliyah. The odd thing was she was rapping as well. "You can rap?" I asked. She nodded and smiled. "Hey Kalin I know what we can do know." I say smiling. He was looking at me through the mirror and had a smile on his face. We soon arrive at the house. "We are here. " Kalin says. Aaliyah looked up and looked at me , she got out of the car and got her bag. Kalin opens the door and me and Aaliyah walk in." Well this is the house. And over there is your room." I said pointing at the first room. "Thanks" she said." Well I'm going to go unpack. "
"Okay. " I say nervously. Kalin was looking at me weird. "Come here" he said walking in his room. "What?" I say.
"Do you like Aaliyah?" He asks.
I smile "yeah. She is different from other girls. " He smiled.

------------ Aaliyah Pov. --------------

I walk quickly into my new room. Why do I get nervous when I'm by Myles? My thoughts got interrupted by a knock on the door. "Yes. " I say opening the door. It was Kalin
"Hey Aaliyah" he said walking in the room and sitting on the bed." Umm. In a week we are going to a beach house for two weeks. You wanna come?"
"Yeah. I'll would love to come." I say smiling. He looked at my suitcase and saw that there weren't a lot of clothes " Is this all you brought with you " I nod " I don't have a lot of clothes. Mostly all of of my clothes got messed up I a fire. " He frowned and got up " Oh. Me and Myles have to go get some thing. We will be back around 5. Okay?" I nod, and he left the room. " Bye Aaliyah we'll be back soon. " shouted Myles and closed the front door.

-------------- Kalin Pov. ---------------

"So. Where are we going?" Asked Myles
"Going shopping." I said with a serious voice.
"Why?" He asked while laughing.
"For Aaliyah. She doesn't have a lot of clothes , only like 3 outfits. And I want to hook her up with some new clothes. So call Bri and tell her I need her help. " I say.
"Okay" he said taking out his phone.
Myles:' Hey Bri'
Bri: ' Hey Myles. What's up?'
Myles: ' Well me and Kalin are going shopping for his cousin and she is a girl. Can you help us ?'
Bri: 'Yeah. Where do you want to go?'
Myles: ' The mall. '
Bri: ' Okay I'll see you there in like 10 mins'
Myles: 'okay bye'
Bri: 'bye'
He hangs up the phone "okay she will be at the mall in like 10 mins"
"Okay" I say. Soon we get to the mall and see Bri standing outside waiting for us. I park the car and get out. " hey guys " Bri says giving both of us a hug. "Hey Bri" me and Myles say at the same time. "Ready for next week?" She says. (Oh I for got Bri and our friend Bella and Myles brother jack are coming with us to the beach house ) " yeah " I say. We walk into the mall.

~~~~~~~~~~ Two Hours Later ~~~~

"Thanks for helping us. My cousin will be so happy. Once I give this to he." I say smiling. "No problem. Well I'll see you guys next week." She said hugging me Myles and walking to her car. We go to the car and head home. We get to the house and open the door. "Where is Aaliyah?" I said.
"Probably in her room. Come on." Myles said excitedly. We walked to her door and knocked and opened the door. "Hey" she said looking at Myles and me. "Here." I said putting the bags on her bed. She looked at them " what is it?"
"New clothes." Said Myles smiling.
She opened the bags and smiled and jumped up and hugged both me and Myles " thank you so much".
"No problem " I said. She smiled and looked at Myles.

~~~~~~~ One week later~~~~~~~~


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