Chapter 20

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Ok I guess no one will watch me on YouTube. We'll enjoy this chapter. I might update again later. I write when I'm sad so.

Jake Pov. •

I saw Aaliyah walk pass me mad as fuck. Wtf did my dum ass brother do this time. I walk out and see Aaliyah walk into the bus. I followed. "Hey" I said. She looked up and smiled, "hey, it looks like there is no extra bunks." She said almost about to cry. I walked up to her and pulled her into a hug. "you can cry if you want. You must be hurt." After I said that she broke into tears, I rubbed her back to calm her down and it worked. "You can sleep with me." I said , knowing she didn't want to sleep with brother and there are no more bunches left. She nodded and grabbed some pjs and went into the bathroom. Why would Myles do that? ugh. Soon Aaliyah came out, I guess she took a shower cause her hair is damp. "I'm going to get some sleep." She said, trying to get on the top bunk on the other side of Myles. "Ummm can you help me." She said blushing. I laugh and help her up. "Thank you" she said. "I'm going to take a shower and change and then I'll be there ok?" I say and she nods.

• Myles Pov. •

I screwed up. Fuck!

• Aaliyah Pov. •

As I was waiting for Jake I felt a tear fall down my cheek. Soon I feel Jake get in the bed. I trun around to face him and he puts his arm around me. "Thank you. Jake for being here for me." I say. "Welcome. I'm sorry my brother is stupid." He says and I laugh. "Aaaliyah! Aaliyah are you in here" I hear Lani yell. Me and Jake get out of the bunk and walk to Lani. "Are you ok?" She said worried. I nod. "Ok. I'm going to get ready for bed. Night guys" she said. Me and Jake walk back to the bunk. "When are They going to be done?" I asked Jake. "Well soon" I nod. Jake once again helps me back on the bunk and I fell asleep.

~ next day ~

I didn't get out of the bed, I didn't eat or anything. I didn't want to see Myles face. Kalin came in and layed with me. "Hiii. Come and eat something for me." He said.
"You and Lani have to perform today. And the show won't be right with out my cousin." He said. "Ok. I'll will. But when we get back I want to go see LaLa and auntie." I said with a puppy dog face. "I just can't say no to that cute face." He said pinching my cheek. He got out and helped me down.

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