Chapter 11

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•Myles Pov.•

I soon woke up to Aaliyah in my arms. I'm so glad I got her back. I'm never going to put her through that much pain ever again. I kiss her forehead and her eyes flutter open. "Good morning beautiful." I said smiling. "Good morning babe" she said in a raspy voice. It was super cute. "What do you want to do today?" I asked. "Don't we leave today at 3?" She asked. "Oh shit! yeah we need to get up before kalin kicks our ass." We look at each other and jump out of the bed she runs to the closet and shoves all the clothes in the suitcase. I run to my room and shove every thing in my bag and we put by the door with everyone's. It was 1 already and we still need to get ready the others went somewhere and they wanted us to be ready before they came back.

• Aaliyah Pov. •

I hop in the shower and wash my hair and body. I get out and dry my hair and put it in a pony tail then put on some leggings and put on the nike sweatshirt Kalin let me use. I ran out and bumped into Myles. "Ready?" he said. I nod. "Want some breakfast?" I asked. "Yep"
We walk to the kitchen and I pull out the eggs and the spam. After it was done I got 2 plates and filled them up. I gave Myles more. "Here" I said putting the plate on the table. "Wow. Thanks babe" he said and kissing me on the cheek. Wow my first kiss on cheek by him!!! I started to blush so much. Wow that boy can eat! When we were done I got up to do the dishes.

•Myles Pov. •

Aaliyah got up with the dishes and walked up to the sink. As she was washing them, I went up behind her and rapped my arms around her waist and kissed her on the cheek. "I love u" great job Myles to make every thing awkward you just started dating her last night. "I love you too." She said smiling. Yesssss! she said it. Soon Kalin walks in "Anyone awake?" he shouted "yeah in here" I shouted with him.
"Sooo. Are you guys a thing now?" he asked smiling. I smiled and grabbed Aaliyah's waist and looked at Kalin with a smile. I could tell Aaliyah was blushing. "Ooo. Get some!" Kalin shouted. "You guys ready?" we nod and I took mine and Aaliyah's stuff to the car. Aaliyah tried to grab her bag from my hand but I didn't let her. We get in the car and I sit with Aaliyah in the way back. And we drove off. "Babe" I whispered in Aaliyah turn to face me. Once she looked at me I crashed my lips into hers. I felt a spark in my stomach. Our lips moved in a sync and we parted for air. I looked into her eyes and hugged her.

Ayyeeee. Sorry if short. Update soon. Bye bye.

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