Nice to meet you. ( Kalin and Myles )

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------------ Kalin Pov. ---------------

" Aaliyah did you pack for tomorrow?" I shouted from my room. " Yep. " she shouted even louder. Tomorrow we are are going to the beach and it seemed like Myles was getting happier and happier every day. "Myles did you pack?" I say while walking in his room. "Yeah" he said looking at me.

"Is Jake coming over to night?" I asked him. ( I know last time I said jack, but it's jake.) He nodded " He should be here any moment." Soon the doorbell rang. "I'll get it." Said Aaliyah, she walked to the front door and opens it. "Hi can I help you?"she said politely. "Yeah. I'm Myles brother Jake." Jake said in a gentle voice. "Oh. Yeah. Come in." She said softly.

------------- Jake Pov. ---------------

When I get up to the front door of my bros house I ring the door bell and a really beautiful girl answers it. "Hi can I help you?" She says politely. "Yeah I'm Myles brother. Jake" I say in a gentle voice. "Oh. Yeah. Come in" she said softly. I walk in "What's your name?"

"Oh. I'm Aaliyah. I'm Kalin's cousin." She said smiling. "Oh well nice to meet you Aaliyah." I say smiling back. "Well. I think Kalin and Myles are in his room." She says pointing to Myles's room. "Okay thanks babe"I say. Did I just say babe. She blushed and ran into her room. I walk into Myles's room. "Hey" I say. "Kalin. Bro your cousin is...WOW." I say looking at them.

"I know." He said. I looked at Myles and he looked pissed.

------------ Aaliyah Pov. --------------

Did he just call me babe? No can't be. Well I guess it's my turn to make dinner. I walk over to Myles room, I knock and open the door. "Hey. What would you guys like me to make for dinner?" I say and there eyes are one me. "Umm. Whatever it doesn't matter." Myles says pissed off. What's wrong with him , did I do something? "Okay. " I say closing the door. I walk over to the kitchen and look in the fridge to see what we have. Umm. I can make chick-a-dobo. ( Filipino food. Chicken and rice. Basically). ~One Hour Later~ I set the table and put the food on the table and walk towards Myles's room. I open the door and Myles is on the computer and Kalin and Jake are on their phones. "The food is ready. Come" I say softly. "Okay." Kalin said getting up. So did Myles and Jake. We all walk to the table. "Wow. It smells so good!" Said Jake.

"What is it?" Asked Myles

"It's Chicken-a-dobo. Come sit dome and try it." I said looking at Myles. They walk to their seats and sit down. I sit down by Kalin, facing Myles and Jake. They pick up their spoons and the soup and rice and then the pick up the chicken that was sitting on top of the soup and rice and took a bite. "WOW! This is delicious. Thanks cousin." Kalin says hugging me. "Thanks. Do you guys like it?" I say looking at Myles.

"I don't like it ..... I love it. " said Jake. I smiled "Do you Myles?"

He looks at me with a smile "Yes. I really like it. What is it called again?" He asked.

"Chicken-A-Dobo. It's a Filipino dish. " I say looking down smiling. We all finish eating and put our dishes in the sink. "What. Do you guys want to do?" Asked Jake.

"Watch a movie?" Said Kalin. We all nod our heads. "What movie?" I ask. "Umm. How about the conjuring." Suggested Myles. " we could watch it in my room."

"Okay" I said. We walk into his room and Kalin and Jake sit on the floor and as I was walking to sit on the floor; Myles grabs my arm and pulled me up on the bed with him. Kalin puts in the movie and turned off the lights. The movie starts and a scary part comes on. I get so scared I put my hands over my face.

------------- Myles Pov. ---------------

I look at Aaliyah and she is covering her face. So I take her right hand and hold it. "It's okay. I'm here babe. " I whisper to her. She looks at me.


I get up and turn on the lights. Kalin and Jack are passed out on my floor and me and Aaliyah are sitting on my bed. "Wow. That movie was...okay" she said looking at the Screen. I laugh a little. "come on" I say grabbing her hand. We walk to her room, before I let her go I say "Thanks for watching to movie with me. " and I kissed her on the cheek. "Your welcome. See in the morning." She said while blushing. I nod and she walks in her room.



Sorry if short. Hope you guys like it. Please Vote and Comment.

Bye Bye.

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