Chapter 22

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•Aaliyah Pov. •

Wow Myles really cared. Man I love him. After our make out session, I went to go take a shower. I got out and put on some shorts and a tanktop. I got out and Myles was in his pjs. "Why are you just standing there?" I asked. "Well I know you need help up and I didn't want to lay down and have to get back up." He said with smile. "Oh ok." I said and walked over to him. He helped me up. He took off his shirt and got up and laid with me. He looked right in my eyes. "What?" I asked him. "Your beautiful." He said. "Stop I'm not beautiful" I said hiding my face under the covers. He pulled the covers off my face and kissed me. "You don't know how much I love kissing you. " He said pulling to his chest.

~a week later~

Well me and Lani got sick of the hate we were getting from some of the fans and decide to go home. The boys took us to the nearest airport. "Can you guys tell us why you guys want to go home?" Kalin said. "We don't feel so good and we don't want to slow you guys down" I lied hopping they can't tell. "Oh." Myles said. "Yea. You guys have fun. We will see you in a month." Lani said. "Babe I'm going to miss you." Myles said. "I'm going to mis you too. But we can still FaceTime and text and call." I say and kiss him. He smiled and nodded. We said our goodbyes and got on the plane.

~skip plane ride~

We got to the house. "Why do the fans hate us so much." Lani says once we put our stuff in my room and head to the living room. "Cause we are dating Kalin and Myles. Why wouldn't be mad." I say "want some tea?" she nodded and I go in the kitchen and boil the water. "Let's not tell the guys about the hate. Okay?" I say. "Yea. They are so far in their career we don't want to slow them down." Lani agreed.

•Myles Pov. •

"Bro. Why did they want to leave?" I asked Kalin. "The hate." He said looking down. "Hate? How do you know?" I asked. "I over heard the girls talking. " I said.

Ok. I'm sorry that this chapter is so short. I'm trying to update all my books tonight! and where I'm at it's already 10:57 so I'm in a hurry.

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