Nice to meet you ( Kalin and Myles )

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---------- Aaliyah Pov. --------------------

"WAKE UP AALIYAH! I want you out of my house in a hour. " I hear my aunt yell from the door. "Okay...okay!" I shouted. I got up and got dressed.
And packed my clothes, I don't have a lot of clothes, I have about three outfits , it's really sad but I can't do anything about it. I lost mostly all my clothes in the fire. Well when I was done packing all my belongings , I went to go say good bye to my little cousin and my uncle. After I did that my uncle took me to the airport. "Don't forget your Ohana, we won't forget you." He said in an Hawaiian accent and kissed me on the top of my head. I got out of the car a waved at him. I soon walked into the airport right in time. Once I got in I her the announcer say "passengers who are going to the mainland please make your to the to the stand." I started to make my way and to get my ticket out. Once on the plane. It takes five hours to get from Hawaii to the mainland (aka California ).

----------- Kalin Pov. ------------------

"Bro wake up we need to go pick up your cousin from the airport in a couple hours." Said Myles. I looked up with a smile and looked at the clock "Oh shit I need to get ready."
When I get out of the shower Myles asked me a question " Hey Kalin where did you say was from again?"
"Hawaii. Why?" I said.
"Just asking" he said softly" and hurry up we only have an hour till we need to be at the airport.
~~~~~~~ hour later ~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Hurry we are going to be late!" Shouted Myles
"Okay...okay" I say while walking out if the room. Soon we walk out side and get into the car and of course I'm driving. It takes at least 20 mins to get to the airport. Once we arrive we get out and walk inside and go by the door where she is going to come out of. "Bro I'm going to go to the restroom" Myles says in a chill tone. "Okay"I say. Finally people start to walk out of the door. I get nervous when I see any girls walk out. Soon a girl walks up to me " Hii. Are you my cousin Kalin?" She asks in a soft voice. "Yeah. Are you my cousin Aaliyah?!" I say. She nods. I pick her up into a hug and kisses her on the top of her head.

----------- Myles Pov. -----------------

I walked out of the bathroom and start to head towards Kalin. I get closer and I see him talking to a beautiful girl. She has long wavy dark brown hair that goes to her butt , she has big brown eyes , her smile you can spit it from a mile away , she's a little shorter than me , and she's wearing high wasted shorts with a tucked in shirt that has a panda on it. I was soon standing by Kalin. "Hey" I say.
"Oh. Aaliyah this is my friend Myles" he says looking at me. "Hi. I'm Myles " I say in a deep voice, looking in her eyes.
"Hey. I'm Aaliyah" she says in a soft voice blushing. . "Okay. Ready to go" Kalin says. We start to walk to the front door. "Let me hold your suitcase for you" I say putting my hand on top of hers. She looked at my hand and removed her hand from under "No it's ok I got it. " I looked at with a frown on my face. Once we got into the car she put it in the trunk and hoped into the back seat. "So Aaliyah, how old are you?" I asked nervously. "16" she said looking down.

I'm going to stop here. So I'm new at this so vote and comment and I'll post more. Bye bye

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