Chapter 13

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•Myles Pov. •

I could hear the girls laughing in the room. Since me and Kalin haven't updated any music yet we stared we walked into my room and sat by the computer. "Sooo. What should we do now?" I said. He gave me a smirk " Lets go ease drop on the girls!" he whispered. I nod with a smile and we walk towards the door. We leaned our heads on the door and I heard Aaliyah talking. "Soo. Do you like my cousin?" Aaliyah asked. "Where did you get that from?" Lani said. "Lani I know you I know when you like someone or not." Aaliyah said. "Okay okay I like Kalin but we just met ,I shouldn't be thinking about this anyway." Lani said. I didn't hear anything for a while. Soon Aaliyah swings the door open making me and Kalin fall. "MYLES! KALIN ! WHY WERE YOU GUYS LISTENING TO OUR CONVERSATION!!" Aaliyah shouted pissed off. We get off the floor. "I'm sorry babe" I said trying to hug her. "Lani did you hear anything?" Aaliyah said acting like she didn't see me. "Oh soo your going to act like you don't see or hear me ?" I said crossing my arms. She just smiled and walked towards the bed. "Did you guys hear every thing?" Lani said looking at us. We nodded and she frowned. "Oh Lani we cleaned my room so you could stay in there." I said trying to break the quietness. "No. Lani is staying here with me today." Aaliyah said smiling at me. "But. I sleep in here" I said pouting. "Since what you did today. You can't. " She said with a smile. Kalin and I walk out if the room back into my room.

•Kalin Pov. •

Wow. Lani likes me. Do I like her? I dont know. "Dude do you want to go to the pool?" Myles asked "you can get to know Lani. " He smiled its like he was reading my mind. "Yeah. I'll go ask the girls." I say running to Aaliyah's room. *knock knock* i walk in. "Do you guys want to go to the pool?"

They nod and I closed the door and walked into my room and changed. When I was done I walked in the living room and see Aaliyah, Lani, and Myles sitting there. Wow. Lani is beautiful, well she was always beautiful but I just can't explain. She was wearing a one piece that says Hawaii on the side and it was black. It was the same as Aaliyah's but hers was gray. We walked to the pool that was around the corner. We put our stuff down and jumped in the pool. "Let's play a game!" Aaliyah said. "Ummmm. Chicken fight!" Myles said. We all nod I swim over to Lani so she could get on my shoulders. "No fair. Kalin is taller so I can't reach Lani!" Aaliyah said laughing. "Fine. Let's not play this game. " Lani said. Aaliyah and Lani jumped off our shoulders. "Lani can we talk?" I said. She nodded and we got out of the pool and sat down on the edge away from the others. "Look I know we just met but.." I said but being cut off by Lani. "I know. I know. I don't like you like that. Yeah I knew you would say that." She looking at her feet. "I wasn't going to say that" I said. "I was going to say. I know we just met but do you want to go on a date with me?" She looked up and her eyes widened."would you?" she nods and I give her a hug. We stood up and I threw her into pool jumping in after her. "Kalin!" she said laughing. "Hey you guys are you hungry?" we nod and walk to the food stand.

•Myles Pov. •

Soo me and Kalin are going on double dates tonight. So I need to think if a way to ask Aaliyah. "Aaliyah." I say grabbing both of her hands. "Yeah Myles?"

"Ummm. So do you want to go on a double date with me , Kalin , and Lani?" I say looking into her eyes. "You mean our first date?!" she said almost jumping. I nod. "Yes!" she says "where are we going?"

"Can't tell you. " I said with smile.

She frowned.We ordered our food and sat down. "OMG!! Are you guys Kalin and Myles?!" two girls said running up to us. I looked at Aaliyah and she looked confused. Fuck! this hole time we never told her that we make music and go on tours.

Ayyyeee. Here's an update. Gonna update soon when school is out on June 12. Vote and comment. Bye bye

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