Nice to meet you ( Kalin and Myles )

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--------------- Myles Pov. -------------
"Aaliyah let me explain." I said grabbing her hands. "No it's cool. Go hang out with your girlfriend." She said walking away. I see Jake following her I run up to him. "Come here." I said. "What" he saido pissed off. "Okay let me explain." I said. "Okay. Hurry up. " he said. "Okay. I'm not dating Bella, I really like Aaliyah. And I don't want to hurt her. Please help me." I said. He smiled "Okay I'll help you. Let's talk when we get to the house."
"K" I said.

-------------- Jake Pov. ---------------

Once we arrive at the house Aaliyah walks in the room she is staying in. *knock knock* "come in" she said. I walk in and sit on her bed. "Hey. Can you tell me what happened?" I said. She looked at me "It was nothing. "
"Really?" I said. I could tell that she is lying . She nodded. We were talking for about an hour till the guys came. "We are here and we got food." I hear Kalin yell. We got up and walked to where they were. I looked at Aaliyah she was smiling; she wasn't sad or upset when she saw Myles. We walk to the table and I sit right next to Aaliyah. After we were done eating Aaliyah went to the room she was staying in and I guess went to bed. While me and Myles went in the room I was staying in. "Okay. What are we going to do about Aaliyah forgiving you?" I asked. He shrugged. "Umm. I think I know." I say.
----------- Aaliyah Pov. ---------------

I wake up around 10. I get up, put on my sweatshirt and walked out of the door. "Hey. Good morning." Said Jack. I looked around there was no one there but him. "Where is everyone else?"
"Oh they went out for a while." He said. "Hey so do you want to do something with me today?" She nodded. "Okay go get ready." He said smiling. I run in the bathroom and got in the shower. I got out and put on some jeans and my maroon peplum shirt with my black converse. I put my hair in a bun and put mascara on with lip gloss. I walked out the room. "Okay. I'm ready." I said. "Wow" he said. Why did he say wow? I didn't ware anything special. We walked out side. "Here" he said while putting a blindfold on me. "What is this for?" I asked. "You'll see." He said. It seemed like we were walking for 20 mins. "Okay we are here. When I count to 3 I will remove your blindfold." He said."one...two...three.." He removed the blindfold and disappeared. "Jake?" I said. I turned around and saw Myles. He was holding flowers. "What do you want?" I said in a rude voice. "Aaliyah please let me explain." He said Ina gentle voice. "Fine. What. " I said rolling my eyes. "I was never dating Bella. I wouldn't want to because I like..." He stopped and looked at the ground. "You know what Myles. I actually thought someone liked me for once but I was wrong" I said and began to walk away. He grabbed my arm and said "I do like you!!!" I froze. "Aaliyah I liked you ever since you got here. And I won't stop liking you." He said "I was going to ask you this later but I think it's better to tell you now.... Aaliyah would you be my girlfriend?" What should I say I really like Myles. "Yes!" I say hugging him. "Really!" He said hugging me back. "Come here." He took me the water. "What?" I asked. "Look" he said pointing at the sand. 'Please forgive me!' It was carved in the sand. "Will you forgive me?" He asked holding my hands. I nod. We walk back to the beach house. We walk to my room before I walk in he pulled my into a hug.


Hope you like it. Vote and comment. Bye Bye. :D

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