Chatpter 12

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•Myles Pov. •

We pull up to our house and Aaliyah is sound asleep. "Babe we are here" I whispered in her ear. "Hmmmm. " She groaned. I pick her up and get out of the car. As I walk in the house Bella looks at Aaliyah in my arms. She walked up to me and pulled on Aaliyah making her fall to the floor. "Owwww! What the hell" Aaliyah shouted trying to get off the floor. Bella spins jumps on top of her and punched her. Aaliyah grabs Bella's hair and gets her to the point now Aaliyah's on top. "Aaliyah" Kalin say looking at her. Aaliyah gets up and helps Bella up. "I don't know why the hell you did that but I'm not going to fight. " Aaliyah says walking into her room. "You know your really fucked up." I said looking at Bella. I walk into Aaliyah's room. I guess she changed her clothes, she is wearing shorts and you can see the bruise from when she hit the ground. "Hey" I say walking to her "do you want some ice for your leg?" she shook her head and walk towards me. I grab her into a hug.
"Do you want to sleep in here tonight?" she asked me. I smiled and picked her up and tossed her onto the bed and jumped and laid right next to her. She rapped her arms around my neck and leaned in to kiss me. Out lips smashed together and moved in a sync. We were soon having a make-out session.

•Aaliyah Pov. •

I was making-out with Myles. Soon he was on top of me still kissing me. I pull away and look at Myles. "Myles....." I say still looking in his eyes. "Yeah beautiful?" he said smiling. "Why did you ask out and not Bella. She is way prettier than me and skinner and way better than me." I say not looking in his eyes. "Because to me your more beautiful and skinner and way better than her. I'll only love you and that's it." He said I blushed and fell to my side and cuddled with me. "Hey can you help me with something." I say turn facing him. "Yeah babe what is it?" He said. "Well my friend/sister from where I'm from finally earned money to come out here and I was going to ask Kalin if she could stay here till she could find her own place. How should I ask him?" I say sitting up. "Well when is she coming?" he said sitting up with me. "Ummmm. Next week."
"Ok. You know how Kalin loves food." I nod "well you can make him breakfast for him in the morning and I'll help u."
"Awwwww. Thanks baby!" I say hugging him. I pull away and get up and turn off the lights and jump onto Myles. And fell a sleep.

*Next Morning.*

"Aaliyah wake up" Myles said shaking me. "Yeah. I'm up. Let's go to the kitchen." I say getting up. We walked into the kitchen.


"I'll go wake up Kalin" I said walking to Kalin's room. I walk over to his bed and whisper "Kalin.... Wake up."
"No" he said in a raspy voice. "I have food." he shot up so fast and ran to the door. We walk to the kitchen and Kalin sits down and starts eating. "Kalin... soo my friend from Hawaii finally has enough money to come out here and she needs a place to stay. And I was wondering if she could come here?" I say. "You know you are part of this family and you don't need to ask. So yes she can." He said smiling. "OMG!!! Kalin thank you so much!" I said jumping on him giving him a hug. "Welcome."
I ran into my room for my phone to call Lani.
(A/N: Soo. Aaliyah and Lani are going to speak Filipino. Even though they are from Hawaii)
~on the phone~

Aaliya:Lani hulaan kung ano?( Lani guess what?)

Lani:kung ano? ( What? )

Aaliyah: Sinabi ng aking pinsan maaari mong dumating paglagi sa amin. ( my cousin said that you could come stay with us )

Lani: talaga! ( really! )

Aaliyah: kapag kayo darating? ( when are you coming )

Lani: sa isang linggo ( in a week )

Aaliyah: OK na nakikita mo pagkatapos. ( ok see you then )

Lani: Ok Bye

~ off the phone ~

* A week later *

•Aaliyah Pov. •

I wake up and get ready to go get Lani. I put on my black crop top that says Hawaii on it and black high waisted shorts. After I put my hair in a messy bun. I put my Jordan's on and grabbed Kalins keys. And drove to the airport. I arrived at the airport late because of traffic and walk in the building.

•Lani Pov. •

I'm have been waiting for Aaliyah for 30 mins. When I was about to call her I see her walk through to the door. "AALIYAH!!!" T shout running to her. "LANI!!!!" I hug her and we jump around. We walk to the car and we pull up to the house. She opens the door and I see to guys standing there. Wow the tall one is super cute! "Lani this is my cousin Kalin" Aaliyah said walking towards him. "Hiii Lani. It's nice to meet you." He said with a smile. I blush. "And this is my boyfriend Myles" she said walking towards the other guy.
"hindi mo sabihin sa iyong kasintahan ay nakatutuwa. ( you didn't tell me your boyfriend is cute ) " I say laughing. "ikulong ( shut up )" she says laughing as well. "What?" Myles says. "Well me and Lani are going to my room" Aaliyah says. "I'll come!" Myles yells. "No. Sorry babe but we have to talk about something like boys" she says and grabbing my hand running into her room. "What?!" I hear Myles from behind the door. "So do you like my cousin?" Aaliyah says to me. "What? Did you get that from?" I say nervously. "Lani I know you I know when you like someone or not. "
"Okay okay I do like Kalin but I don't know if he likes me and we just so I should be thinking about this."
"My gosh you like my cousin!"
"Shut up"

Ayee!! Ok I'll update tomorrow. Hope you like it. Thanks. Bye bye

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