Chapter 27

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•Aaliyah Pov.•

So it's been a week in Hawaii. Kalin and Myles met family and today is the day we are leaving. I was helping Ola with his shoes. "Are you ready to go to the mainland?" I asked grabbing his hand and our bags. "Yea!" he said. We said goodbye to everyone. Kalin and Myles left yesterday to see the house my uncle got us and to make sure everything is in there and unpack for me and Ola. So sweet. Me , Lani, and Ola got on the plane.

✈️skip plane ride✈️

We took a taxes to the new house and let me tell you it is huge! I walked in side and see the guys Watching Tv. Myles turns his head and looks at me, then runs up and hugs and kisses me. "I missed you" he said. "I missed you too." I said. I gave Kalin and hug. "let me show you our room" he says grabbing my hand. He takes me to a huge room with a balcony and a king sized bed with white covers and powder pink pillows and it was just beautiful. "Omg!" I said running around the room. "Come on Ola I'll show you your room" Myles said. We followed him to a room all guyed out. "Myles why is there speakers and computer?" I asked. "Well he might wanna follow me with rapping." Myles blushed. I kissed him. It was now 11:00 Ola was already in bed. Kalin and Lani went home and now it's just me and myles in the bed. "Babe?" Myles asked. "Yea?"i said. "I love you and Ola but I want to have a little girl or a little boy to call me daddy" he said looking at me.

Bruh 47k reads. You guys are the best. I love you guys. Kik: Rosey_thoe

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