Chapter 17

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• Myles Pov. •

We got on the plane and Aaliyah instantly fell back to sleep. She is so cute when she sleeps.
~ 2 hours later ~

• Aaliyah Pov. •

I wake up and see Myles on the phone. "Hey" I say. He looks at me with a smile "Hey sleepy head."
"You know you sound very cheesy when you say that." I point out.
"Soo." He said. "How long have I been out?" I asked. "2 hours. Don't worry we still have 3 more hours till me get to NY." He says in a sarcastic tone. I roll my eyes and look over to see where Lani is at , she was asleep.

| skipping the plane ride |

We got off the plane and saw a big tour bus with hella girls by it. We grabbed our bags and wait till security came and walked us to the tour bus. Once we walked out all the girls eyes landed on me and Lani. I could hear some girls say 'why are those to hoes there with them?' or 'bitch Myles or Kalin are mine!' the guys took some pics with the girls and me and Lani ran into the bus. "ano ang impiyerno ay na tungkol sa! kung bakit ay kaya ibig sabihin nila. bumalik sa Hawaii nais mong makakuha ng slapped ng sinabi mo na sa ilang mga isa.( what the hell was that about! why are they so mean. back in Hawaii you would get slapped of you said that to some one.)" Lani said pissed off. "wala kami sa Hawaii anumang higit pang mga kaya masanay ito. ( we aren't in Hawaii any more so get used to it)" I said calmly. We walked to the back and we see bunks. Me and Lani pick the top bunks. We talk for a while and we heard the guys come in. "Man that was crazy" I hear Kalin say. "I know." Myles says. I walk where the boys are. "Soo. How's your famous life going?" I ask sitting on the couch thing. "Great! And I'm glad my cousin can see what it's like." Kalin said sitting by me. I smile. "Oh right ! umm so we want you and Lani to perform." Kalin said. "Oh. I can't sing." I said shaking my head. "Yes! you can!" I hear Lani yell from the bathroom. She walked out in sorts and a crop top. "Shut up. " I say. "Yea. We can perform if you get us one thing." She said with a smirk. I got up so I could change into shorts and a tank top. Once I got out I told everyone I was going to bed and Myles ran into the bedroom got some stuff ran into the bathroom and came out in pjs. I laugh at him. "What? I want to cuddle with you. I haven't been able to in a while." I laugh and try to jump onto the top bunk but I of course I'm to short so Myles had to help me up. "Why did you pick the top bunk if you need help up?" he said chuckling. "Shut up. I didn't chose to be this short. " I said playful hitting him. He cuddle up to me and I fell asleep.

~ Next Morning ~

I woke up and Myles wasn't by me. I got up and walked where I heard noise. And I saw a box. " Open it" Lani said with a mouth full of cereal. I walk over to the box and sat on my knees. I opened the box and my jaw dropped. I looked up with tears in my eyes. "You got me a new ukulele!!" I say jumping up and down. They all had a smile on their face. "Thank you" I say hugging all of them. " now you and Lani need to pick a song for tonight." Myles says. "I know. Let's do 'The way I am'" I said. And Lani smiles.

• Myles Pov. •

Aaliyah tuned the ukulele and her and Lani sat down. Aaliyah started strumming. And Aaliyah started to sing.

Ayyyeee. Sorry I need to stop I'm tired and yay. Thanks to my new friend for giving me an idea. But. I love you guys. So ya. Umm. Bye bye.

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