Chapter 30

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🌺Aaliyah pov. 🌺
_skip weeks_

Tomorrow is Me and Lani's wedding! Yep we're having it together. Myles wanted to do this thing that he can't see me till we get to the church. So lani came over and myles and Ola went to Kalins. "So do you like the dresses mom sent us?" Lani said. See me and Lani are so close her mom let me call her mom and she started treating me like her own. She knew how my aunt treated me. "YES!" I said jumping up and down. [ Aaliyah's dress is on the right. And Lanis dress is on the left]
"Did the guys see them?" I asked. "No. I wouldn't let them." She said. I smiled. My phone buzzed.

YBM💞: I miss you!
Me: same.
YBM💞: but look at this way tomorrow you'll be Mrs. Parrish.
Me: and I can't wait. I got to go. Love you.
YBM💞: love you to. See you tomorrow baby.

I set down my phone. I went to take a shower. I washed my hair and body. I got out and put in my pjs. "Where did you shower?" I asked Lani sitting on the couch. "Down here." She said watching a Disney movie. I sat down. And my phone went off. Myles was calling me.


Hey babe

What's up myles

I miss you!

I know you just texted me about 50 mins ago. I miss you too tho. But your the one who wanted to do the not see you till we get to the church.

Uggghh your right. But I want it to be perfect.

I know baby. How is Kalin and Ola holding up?

They are fighting over what movie to watch.

I chuckle.

Well it's 12 pm and I'm tired. I'm go to sleep. Night handsome.

Night Princess

I hang up the phone. " Ready to go to bed?" I said. Lani nodded. We walked up to my room. Yes we share a bed. She is my family.


I woke up and looked at the clock. ITS 9:00! WE NEED TO BE AT THE CHURCH AT 11! "LANI WAKE UP." I yelled "ITS 9:00" she jumped up. She ran down stairs to the bathroom and I used the on up here. I took a shower and used the soap myles likes. And the matching shampoo and conditioner. I dried off and put on and bra and underwear and a robe. Me and Lani are wearing our hair half up and curled. We blowed dried our hair and curled it and up half of it up. We did our make up. Foundation, mascara, eye liner, a little of goldish eyeshadow, ect. After an hour we looked good. We slid our dresses on carefully cause our make up and hair. And looked in the mirror. I was about to cry. "We look beautiful" I started to tear up. "I know." Lani was in the same state as I was. There was a knock on the door. It was Jake and Cam. We put on our heels and walked out of the house. "Wow. My soon to be sisters in law. Looking as beautiful as ever." Jake said. We giggle. "Jake you know only Aaliyah is gonna be your sister in law." Lani said. "Nope. We are all family cause Kalin is practically my brother." He said. We all laughed and got into the limo. We arrived at the church pretty fast and let me tell you my nerves are kicking in. Jake and Cam walked us to the area where the brides wait. Once we walked through those doors I saw my uncle , LaLa, Kalins mom,Lanis mom. I was about to cry. "My little princess it's okay. Your gonna be a great bride and I'm proud of you. I know your parents are looking down on you. And seeing how beautiful the daughter is." My uncle said kissing the top of my head. "Aaliyah. I haven't seen you since my sister was alive. I know we both miss her. But she will always be in our hearts along with your father." Kalins mom and LaLa came to hug me. "And you must be Lani. I'm so happy you are marrying my son. " She said hugging Lani. "Ma'am I'm great full you allowed me to marry your wonderful son." Lani replied back. "Aaliyah?" A lady asks."yes" I replied. "I'm am Myles mom." She said. My jaw dropped I ran up to her. "Hello ma'am. I'm sorry I have never got the chance to meet you." I said taking her hand. "It's ok. I've heard a lot about you and your more beautiful and kind then myles and Jake have mentioned." She said. "I'm glad you gonna become my daughter." She smiled and fixed my hair and wiped the tears away. "And I'm glad you'll become my mother." I said she kissed the top of my head. "Okay it's time!" Jake shouted. My uncle and myles mom are walking me down the aisles. And Lani behind me with Kalins mom and her mom. The doors opened and I felts sick. And we began walking.

🍔 Myles Pov. 🍔

The doors opened and let me tell you I felt sick that's how nervous I am. I soon see the flower girl and Ola holding the rings. And then Aaliyah walked out linked to her uncle and my mom. She looks so beautiful I can't keep my eyes off her. She reaches me. I hug my mom and shake hands with her uncle. We started.
"Do you Aaliyah take Myles to be your lawful wedded husband" the Priest asked. "I do" she said tearing up. "Do you Myles take Aaliyah to be your lawful wedded wife" "I do!" I said. "You may kiss the bride" I didn't hesitate to kiss Aaliyah I picked her up and spun her around. We can hear cheers. We step aside so Kalin and Lani can have their ceremony.

✌️ Kalin pov. ✌️

My little cousin got married! I'm so happy. Now it's me and Lani's turn. I felt sick. The door opens and Lani comes walking down with my mom and hers. Once she reaches me I hug her mom and mine. Then we do our vows.
"I do" she said. "I do!" I said louder making everyone to laugh. "You may kiss the bride" the Priest said. I mashed my lips onto Lani's. We pulled away and and she kissed my nose. We heard cheers and Whistles coming from Myles and Aaliyah. Jake put on the music and we all danced down the aisles.

I'm going to stop here. THEY GOT MARRIED! Finally! Well I'll update later. Oh and yall can Kik me. Oh! I need a girlfriends for Jake and Cam so if your interested comment or Kik me at rosey_thoe. Love ya bye.

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