Nic to meet you ( kalin and myles )

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----------------- Myles Pov. -----------

I ran back to the house to see if she was there. I run in from the door"AALIYAH!!!" I yell running in her room;she wasn't there. "What's wrong?" Kalin said running up to me. "Aaliyah isn't here?" I said almost about to cry. He shook his head. "What happened?" He said worried. "I was at the cafe getting something to drink for all of us and Bella was there. I guess she was ordering something to eat. But we sat down to wait for our stuff and she took my hand and she would not let go. I pulled away from her grip got up and was about to go get some air and I saw Aaliyah. Then she ran off." I said. Kalin looked at me,he ran out. "What are you doing?" Said Bri. He didn't say anything but got in the car; I got in as well.

----------- Aaliyah Pov. ---------------

I kept running until I hit the beach. I run over to the rock and hid behind the rock where no one can see me cry. Soon I hear someone on top of the rock , it sounds like Jake I get up to see who it is. "Hey Jake." I said sniffling. He jumped and turned around "Omg Aaliyah you scared me." He looked at me with a frown"What happened?" I sat next to him and told him what happened. "I'm going to beat his ass!" He said really pissed off. He got up , I grabbed his arm and shook my head and pulled him back down. He gave me a hug "Come on let's go to the house. " His phone started to ring. "Who is it?" I asked. "Myles?" He nodded and answered it.
~ Jake on the phone( speaker)~
Jake: 'what'
Myles: 'is Aaliyah with you?'
Jake: 'Yeah'
Myles: 'Where are you guys?!'
Jake: 'We are on our way to the house'
Myles: 'ok we will meet you guys there'
~end of phone call~
We walk to the house and walk in. Kalin runs up to me with tears in his eyes and hugged me. "I'm okay" I say to him pulling away , I smile and walk into my room.

------------- Jake Pov. ----------------

I was laying on my bed. *knock,knock* "Come in" I say sitting up. It was Aaliyah. "Hey," she said in a sick voice. "Hey"
She walks towards me but when she was walking she passed out. I ran to her"Aaliyah?!" I said loudly.
I picked her up and ran out the door "Guys something is wrong with Aaliyah!" They ran to me and saw her in my arms. "Come on lets go find a hospital around here." Bri said. We walked to the car Kalin was driving and I was by Aaliyah. We found a hospital and went in the E.R room. Soon she was taken to a room getting checked by the doctor. A hour later a nurse can out and said "Family members my go see Mss Aaliyah." And walked away. We walked into her room she was sleeping. "Jake say here me and Bri are going to go find Myles and get some stuff for Aaliyah." Kalin said. I nodded my head sat on a chair next to Aaliyah.

Kk so I'll stop here. Vote and comment. So I 92 people are reading this book. I know it's not a lot but thanks to all the people reading. Bye bye ;D

Nice to meet you ( Kalin and Myles )Where stories live. Discover now