Nice to meet you. (Kalin and Myles )

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-------------- Aaliyah Pov. ------------

I wake up from noise in the kitchen. I get up and put on a sweatshirt and walk out of my room to the kitchen. I see the guys eating. "Why is there so much noise?" I say sarcastically. They laughed and said "Hey Aaliyah. Ready for today?!" I nod. "Okay let's get ready so we can go." Kalin said. I nod and walk to the bathroom I get in the shower and wash my hair. Ugggg. I hate long hair!!! *knock. Knock* " Aaliyah are you done?" Someone asked. "Yeah,hold on. " I say and rapped my self in my towel and open the door. It was Myles!! I ran in my room. I put on a mini mouse crop top with hight wasted jeans ( dark blue ) I put my hair in a ponytail and I put on some mascara and some lip gloss. I grabbed my duffle bag and walked out if my room. As I walk out I see two girls and the boys. Kalin looks at me "Ready?" I nod and we walk to the car. "Oh. Aaliyah this is our friends Bri and Bella. " Kalin says
"Hi I'm Aaliyah" I say. They wave and gets in the car. Ok so Myles is driving and in the passenger seat is Bella, I was sitting by Jake, and Bri and Kalin were next to each other.

-------------- Myles Pov. --------------

Why dose Bella have to sit with me. I wanted Aaliyah to sit here. Kalin introduced me to Bella 2 years ago and she was pretty cool. Until summer she became really annoying.
~ Two Hours Later ~
We pull up to the beach house and I stop the car. I turn around to see if they are awake. Of course everyone is a sleep. I look at Aaliyah, she looks so pretty when she sleeps. "Hey! Wake up!" I said loudly. They opened there eyes and looked at the house. "Wow" I heard Aaliyah mumble. We get out of the car and went inside. "I dont know about you guys but I'm ready to go to the beach." I said. "Me too let's go Chang into our swimsuit." Said Bella. "Do you need to change Aaliyah?" I asked. "No I already have it on." She said smiling. 10 mins later we got towels and got into the car. We got to the beach and Aaliyah put down her towel and took off her shirt and pants,she was wearing pink and white bikin and layer on her towel. "Hey are you going in the water?"I asked sitting by her. She shook her head no. I picked her up and started to walk to the water. "PUT ME DOWN MYLES!!!" She shouted laughing. "Nope" I said laughing as well.

------------- Bella Pov. ----------------

Me and Bri put our stuff and I hear Aaliyah shout "PUT ME DOWN MYLES!!!" Wait is Myles carrying her!!!!! I really like Myles an if any girl gets in my way, I'll make her life a living hell. I walk over to them "Umm. Excuse me. Why is my 'boyfriend' holding you." I say looking at Aaliyah. She looks at me than him,she gets out oh his grip and said politely "What? Your his girlfriend?" Before I could say anything she ran. "Aaliyah wait!!!" Myles yelled.

-------------- Jake Pov. ---------------

I just saw Aaliyah run from Myles and Bella. I ran up to Myles "What did you do to Aaliyah?" He didn't say anything he just looked down. I shook my head and ran to go find Aaliyah. I found her behind a rock crying in her knees. I sit next to her "Don't cry. Tell me what happened?"
"Nothing. Umm let's go back." She said wiping her tears and getting up. We both walk back and Kali runs up to us. "Are you okay?" He said really worried. She nodded "I think I'm going to walk to the house".
"I'll come with you". She nods "Let me get my stuff." I walk with her.
"Aaliyah let me explain." Myles says grabbing her hand. "No. It's cool. Go hang out with your girlfriend." She said walking away.


Vote and comment. I need some ideas kik me at rosey_thoe.

Bye Bye. ;D

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