Chapter 16

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•Lani Pov. •

'I'M KALIN WHITES GIRLFRIEND!!!!!! okay okay Lani keep it cool' I say in my head.

~ two weeks later ~

•Myles Pov. •

Soo. Today is the day to leave to go on tour. Thank goodness we packed last night. It's 5am and me and Lani are the only ones up. "I guess we need to wake them up" I said. She nods. "I need to warn you Aaliyah is not the best person to wake up this early. You can wake her up like at ten or something like that but this early she would bite your head off." Lani said sternly. "Same with Kalin. They're like twins but cousins." I said. "Good luck" we both said. I walked in the room and see Aaliyah sleeping beautifully. "Hey babe you need to wake up. " I said softly. "What time is it?" she asked. "5am" I said. she looked at me "do you want to die? why are you waking my up in 5am!" she said. Damn Lani wasn't kidding. "Babe we need to get on the plane." Aaliyah got up and I was kinda scared. "Fine." She said a stormed out of the room. I walked out. "How was it?" Lani asked. "I thought you were kidding. " I said. "No. I'm not. Hahaha. You had it easy. " She said walking away. I saw Kalin walking soaking wet. "What happened to you" I asked holding back my laughter. "Lani dumped cold ass water on me." He said and I broke out laughing. He glared at me and I walked towards Aaliyah. "Hey" she said. "Hey babe."

"Look I'm sorry. I'm a bitch in the morning." She said.

( a/n I really am like this. One time my cousin woke me up hella early and I punched him hella hard and left a big ass bruise. ) we all got dressed and called two taxis to drive us to the airport. Once we got there we saw Jake and Tyler. "What's up little bro" I said. "Hey" he said and look at Aaliyah. She was leaning on me asleep. Jake was about to shake her to wake up. "Don't wake her up." I said. "Why?" he asked.

"Bruh she would kill you." I said. But he didn't listen once he shook her. She woke up and tackled Jake to the floor. I picked her off of him. "I told you. " I said. When Aaliyah relized what she done "Omg. Sorry Jake." She helped him off the floor. "No prob" he said scared. Me and Aaliyah laughed.

•Jake Pov. •

My life flashed before my eyes. All I remember was being on the floor. I should of listen to Myles.

Ayyyeee. Soo. Sorry for short chapter. Umm. Imma update soon. Thanks for ally readers and yeah. Vote and comment.

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