Chapter 23

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•Myles Pov. •

Hate? why didn't Aaliyah tell me about the hate? I picked up my phone and texted Aaliyah.

*A= Aaliyah M=Myles*

M: babe we need to talk.

A: okay? what is it?

M: is the reason you left was cause the hate?

A: ummmmmm. No why?

M: stop lying.

A: how can you tell I'm lying if we are texting.

M: cause Kalin over heard you and Lani talking about it. Babe don't pay attention to haters just focus on the ones that like you.

A: yea your right. I'm sorry I should have talked to you.

M: I miss you. I want you here with me.

A: I know. I miss you too. I got to go but I'll face time you. Love you Myles.

M: love you too. ;)

•Aaliyah Pov. •

Well I guess I should of told Myles. Well it's to late now. Me and Lani are at home watching tv. Till we heard a knock n the door. Lani answered it. "Aaliyah!" said in tears. "What?" I said getting worried. I walked to the door and saw my our ex boyfriends. I slammed the door shut and locked it. We closed all the windows and locked all the doors that lead to out side. See our ex boyfriends abused us and cheated on us. But one day they came over and started hitting on us and I got sick of it I called the police. After a few years I learn kickboxing but they are still stronger than us. I need to call Myles. No I can't let him worry. Fuck what am I going to do?

~ A month later~

Today Kalin and Myles are coming home!!! we haven't seen our exs around so that's good. We woke up and got dressed. It's cold out here and rainy, so I wore some leggings and Myles sweatshirt and my boots. Lani was wearing the same but with Kalins. We got in the car and I drove to the airport. We waited 20mins till people started coming out of the doors. Once I saw Myles come out and walking towards me I ran and jumped on him for a hug. I missed him so much. "Hey babe you missed me?" he said hugging my tightly. I nodded. he put me down and kissed my lips. I hugged Kalin and we went to the car. "I like that sweatshirt. Where did you get it?" Myles said sarcastically. "A new store called Myles Closet" I said and we all laughed. We got home and the boys took a shower. I changed back into my PJs and laid down and went on my phone. Soon Myles came in and jumped on top of me. "I missed you." He said. " I know Myles. I missed you to." He smiled and leaned down to kiss me. The kiss was so passionate and started to heat up. damn I missed his soft lips. We parted and looked at each other.

Sorry short I'm kinda stuck so if you guys have any ideas Kik me @ rosey_thoe.

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