Chapter 2

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"Honey it time to get up" My mom always sounds so cheerful every morning, ever since i was little.

I got out of bed and "ugh" her. I think she heard me because I heard her say from the other side of the door.

      "i am making your favorite breakfast, Chocolate chip pancakes with bacon." i heard her saying while she  head downstairs

        I got up, and stretched, i went to my dresser and got my undergarments and  then went to my closet to grab my black skinny jeans, my white undershirt, and my one shoulder purple blouse, and my black 4 inch heel, i am already 5'7" i don't want to be a giant, once i grab all that i head to the shower.

        Fifteen minutes later i was finally done with my shower, i got out dried myself and got dressed. i curl my hair a bit,  not to much curls, just the right amount. I don't like make up, but i love chapstick and light eye shadow, neutral color. i love the way i look. i have a great body, boob any girl would die for, let's just say i can be a model, with all the right curves. i am not conceited, but i know i look good, i just don't flaunt in people faces. i am a average person with perfect grade. i don't really like attention.

        i grabbed my book bag, my phone, my leather jacket and also my keys for my car, that my mom bought me last year when i got my license. i have a simple car A 2012 Nissan Rouge, but it is fully equipped. it has black exterior, with black interior. i love it.

i head down stair, when i smell breakfast, i put my bag on the floor by the kitchen door and make myself a plate. i grab my plate and sit at the breakfast nook with my mom.

It had has always been just the two of us for along time then we moved to California and mom meets this attorney, i was glad, maybe she can be happy.

My uncle Jason always write my mom monthly but every time he sends me card and present i get sad that i might never see him again. i know that my mom know this, so that why she hasn't brought him up lately, she still receives letter, i know she sad to but she is always strong, she doesn't like to show me her emotion when it comes to 'uncle Jason'.

i finish my breakfast and take my plate to the sink and wash it. i always help my mom with the house i am not a lazy daughter.

"You know you don't have to do that. I always tell you that." my mom said looking at me while i was drying my hands.

"i know, but i like doing it, plus it gives you one less dish to worry about." I walk up to her and kiss her forehead. " I will see you later, and i am making dinner so don't even think about making it. Oh and if you are going to late will you text me please." i said heading out with her behind me.

"When did you become an adult, it seems like just yesterday you were trying to tie your shoes, now look at you." my moms were getting misty.

" Well i had a great mom who is my role model. Mom your gonna make me cry. i love you, i will see you later, and don't forget to text me if you are running late. Okay" i said trying to make a serious face.

"Yes daughter" She said grinning at me.

We said our goodbye and i head toward my car, i noticed a car parked in front of our house, but can't see anything the windows are tinted, oh well maybe a neighbor car.

I get In My Car And drive to my girl Jennifer, aka Jenny's house. I get to her house and honk twice, so she knows that it's me. Jenny walk out the front door wearing her regular outfit, a demi skirt with a tank top with a demi jacket and  white converse.

"Hey girl looking good today." I say winking at her she does a twirl before getting into the car. i always tell her that.

"i know right....." She checks herself in the the mirror,  i start the car and put the car in drive and head to school.

She stood quiet putting on her lip gloss. "OMG, I forgot to tell you, you look like you just walked out of the magazine." She says looking at me then at the mirror.  She closed the visor and starts smiling.

"Really, it took you that long to say that." i looked at her than back on the road, i started laughing.

I pulled into the school student parking lot. It wasn't pack, which was good, i found a good parking near the entrance.

"Well yeah I was talking to Dylan this morning and he is coming home for break. Plus he said he might transfer back to UCLA isn't that cool, i miss not seeing my big brother." We got our of the car and I grabbed my book bag from the backseat.

"Yeah, that greats, i miss pranking him, i bet he misses us, huh." i said to Jenny.

She starts laughing.

I look at her "what is so funny."

She pointed to her phone it was from Dylan, saying he is gonna wear his cup protector, when he comes home. I started laughing. we walk to our locker which happen to be right next to each other.

"Hey you should come to his Welcome home dinner tomorrow,  as my guest." She said while looking for her book for her Science class.

"I would love to what time should I be there." i said while grabbing my chemistry book. All of my classes are AP classes so I mostly don't have any classes with Jenny except for PE which is our last period.

"About 7  so that we can get ready." She said

"okay, see you at lunch." i said.

We said our goodbyes. my phone beep which means I have a text message.
i unlocked the screen the number was private which was weird, so i opened it.
What I saw surprised me.

Private number
*Can't wait to see you it been forever, i know ten years is to long. I will be there tomorrow night if not  tomorrow the day after.
-Uncle Jason.

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