#1 - How You Met

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Preference #1 - How You Met


You were on your way back from meeting a friend when you saw Starbucks and went in to get a drink. You sighed as you noticed the queue was long but you went to the back anyway and waited.

You finally got to the front after 10 minutes and just as you were about to order you heard a voice from behind you say "2 Caramel frappaccino's please" you turned around and met a pair of piercing blue eyes looking at you.

"So what's your name?" He asked you .

"(Y/N) and you are?" you asked him.

"Connor" he said as he turned around for a minute then handed you a frapaccino.

"What's this for?" You asked confused.

"You, you didn't think I was pushing in front did you?" He asked surprised.

"Yeah kinda" you said shrugging.

"Well I wasn't and I hope you like frapaccino's" he said winking.

"You're in look there my favourite" you said taking a sip of it.

"Well I best be going now" you said awkwardly.

"Okay, see you later (Y/N)" he replied as you walked away. 'How is he going to see me again?' You thought confused. Only the did you realise he wrote his number on the cup and that's how you met Connor for the first time.


You were walking your dog in the local park and listening to your phone and scrolling through twitter.

You looked up from your phone and noticed you couldn't see your dog. You walked round the corner and saw your dog playing with a golden retriever. You walked over and threw the ball for them and they both chased it. They brought it back an you noticed a boy around your age walking up to you.

"Hey I'm Brad" he said as he neared you.

"Hey I'm (Y/N)" you replied.

"Is that English Springer yours?" He asked pointing to your dog that came and sat next to you panting.

"Yes and is that golden retriever yours?" You asked him.

"Yeah, what's his name?" He asked bending down to stroke him.

"Charlie" you replied "and yours?"

"Jesse" he said and you bent down to stroke her.

You continues walking your dogs together round the park, you were still listening to your music when he asked you what you were listening to.

"Right now its my playlist of Arctic Monkeys, The Neighbourhood and 1975" you said handing hi and earphone with Sweater Weather playing.

"You got good taste in music" he commented.

"Thankyou" you said.

"Can I see your other music?" He asked.

"Sure you said handing him your phone. He gave it back 5 minutes later and said he had to leave so you got your dogs and went your separate ways.

Your phone beeped in your pocket telling you you had a text so you got it out and saw a text from an unknown number.

From unknown - Hey it's Brad from the park, just wondering of you wanted to walk our dogs together tomorrow? - brad xxx

He must have got your number when looking through your music.

To Brad - Sure I would love to, meet you at park entrance at 12pm? - (Y/N) xxx

And that was the start of a beautiful relationship.

Tristan -

You needed to get some new drum sticks as you somehow broke your others whilst playing yesterday.

You were wondering aimlessly down the isle in the music shop looking for some when you saw a pair of blue drumsticks you picked them up and looked at them you were about to go pay for then when a blonde boy walked up to you.

"You don't want to buy them ones they don't last very long" he said as he reached you.

"Which ones shall I get then?" I asked looking at him and oh my he was gorgeous.

"These" he said handing you a pair of black ones "I know they don't loo good but they last long and you can spray paint them".

You took them from his hands and inspected them "thanks" you said looking at him.

"Welcome, so can I get your number?" He asked you.

"And why would you want that?" I asked him sassily.

"So I can help you spray paint them" he winked.

"Well okay then" you said telling him your number. You said bye to each other and you left to go pay for the sticks. When you go out the shop you got a text from an unknown number.

From Unknown - Hey, it's the boy from the music shop would you want to meet up tomorrow? Oh and by the way what's your name? - Tris xxx

To Tris - Hey, yeah I would love to meet up tomorrow text me when and where and my name is (Y/N) xxx

And that was how you met Tristan.

James -

You had met up with your best friend (Y/F/N) to go to the gym together. When you got there it was completely empty except for you two although it was about 11pm and you were in a hotel so of course everyone would be asleep so you took this opportunity to play your music through the speakers whilst working out.

You had been on the treadmill and the bike and you were heading to the weights when a very good looking boy walked through the door and went to the treadmill.

You and (Y/F/N) had been lifting weights now for about 10 minutes when the boy approached, picked up some weights and started lifting.

You left the gym an hour later and went to the changing rooms.

"Well I gotta get going see you tomorrow (Y/N)" (Y/F/N) said to you walking out the door.

"Later" You yelled after her.

You walked out the changing rooms when you bumped into something or someone. You were about to fall when 2 large muscular arms grabbed you and stopped you. You looked up to see the boy from the gym.

"Sorry I didn't see you there" I said looking at the ground.

"No, no it's my fault let me apologise what's your name and number?" He asked you.

"My names (Y/N) and why do you need my number to apologise?" I asked looking at him.

"Well (Y/N) if I don't have your number then I can't tell you where to meet me tomorrow" he said biting his lip hoping you would agree.

"Okay then" I said telling him my number "well I gotta get going now" I said looking up at him.

"See you later (Y/N)" he said after you. You made into your car when you phone indicated you had a text you picked your phone up and saw a text from unknown.

From Unknown - Hey, it's the guy from the gym and will you let me apologise tomorrow night if I pick you up at 8? - James xxx

To James - Hey and of course I will let you - (Y/N) xxx

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