Connor Imagine for Tahlia

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Connor Imagine for Tahlia

"Come on babe it's concert time!" Connor said pulling you out the house.

"Calm down Connor were not even there yet" You said as you both got in the car.

"I know I'm just excited" He said turning up the radio full blast playing his favourite ATL songs.

You arrived at the venue quick and went to go sit in your seats and were waiting pairing for it to start and hoping no one noticed Connor because you just a nice night with him and no fans bothering you, not that you didn't like them you just wanted a night alone with him.

The house lights went down and everyone screamed, including Connor. You had a blast overall and the concert lasted for at least 6 hours because no one wanted them to leave so they did extra for you.

As you were leaving the venue all the fans were going out singing, well shouting, the songs.

"I don't want to go home yet" Connor pouted.

"Why?" You asked confused.

"I'm too pumped to go home now" he said starting the car.

"Well let's blow off some steam and drive for a while" You said turning up the radio volume.

You drove around for a while singing the songs playing at the top of your lungs until you came across a field with a lake and you could clearly see the stars.

"Come on let's go" You said to Connor when he stopped the car and jumped out.

"Wait up"

"It's so beautiful" you gushed watching how the moon and stars reflected on the pristine water of the lake.

"Yeah it is" Connor sighed and lay down on the grass looking up a the stars.

You joined him and lay there for a while lost in the midst of the peacefulness that wrapped itself around you.

"I love you Tahlia" Connor sighed kissing your forehead.

"And I love you too Connor" You replied and kissed him.

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