Tristan imagine for Karis

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Tristan imagine for KarisMia12345678910

"KARIS COME ON!" Your best friend Jade yelled up the stairs.

"Alright calm it it's only shopping" you muttered walking down.

"I know but The Vamps are in own today and even though they haven't said anything about going out I want to go an see if we can find them" She said grabbing your arm and dragging you outside to her car.

You rolled your eyes at her obsession but continue with her willingly anyway.

~~2 hours later~~

"Can we do some real shopping now and not just walk round?" You asked your best friend d who was still looking for The Vamps.

"Fiiinnneeeee!" She said exasperated and you walked into the Converse shop.

"You getting new converse?" She asked browsing through the new designs.

"Yeah I've basically worn out my other pair" You said laughing.

"Not surprised they barely leave your feet" She laughed along with you.

You continued looking until your eyes fell upon some that had leopard print on them. You walked over and went to grab them when another hand did and you ended up clashing.

"Sorry you can have these" You said apologising and turning away.

"Wait!" You heard and you turned back around to see who it was when your eyes fell upon the most beautiful human being you had ever seen.

"You can have these I already have 2 pairs" He said handing them to you.

"Thank you" You said taking them off him.

"So what's your name?" He asked smiling at you.

"I'm Karis" You said smiling back at him.

"Tristan" he said.

"So what you up to today?" He asked you.

"Just shopping nothing interesting" You said smiling that you were a managing to have a normal conversation.

"So I will cut to the base because my friends are impatient, can I have your number?" He asked looking hopeful.

"Sure it's...."

"TRISSY" You heard a guy's voice scream in a girly voice and you heard Tris mumble something like 'for God sake'

"Trissyyy come on I'm bored" You heard a brown curly haired boy say coming over to you and Tristan.

"Ohh were you getting a girls number?" He asked looking you up an down.

"Yes now leave" He answers pushing the boy away.

"As we were saying..."

~~4 months later~~

Now you were dating Tris and all because of Jade after she forced you shopping and she is now actually dating James as well.

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