James Imagine for Emma

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James imagine for miniswinny11

"Now ladies and gentlemen please welcome The Vamps" You heard from the speaker as you left the pit.

You had gone to a Vamps concert with a group of your friends but it was so packed where you were stood and you felt a panic attack coming on.

You say down in a hall around the back of the venue to calm down and put your head in your hands.

You heard a door open and close and voices but they were muffled by your arms covering your ears.

You felt someone poke hit shoulder so you looked up at who the person was and saw a boy you recognised but couldn't remember where from.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"Kinda" you replied shrugging.

"What happened?" He asked sitting down beside you.

"It was just crowded...to many people" you said breathing deeply trying to calm down.

"It's okay, I know the feeling I get panic attacks too" He said playing with your hair.

"Thank you" You whispered.

"Come on" He said standing up and pulling you up with him.

"Where?" You asked confused.

"Backstage I'm par of the band and I can't let you stay out here, I'm James by the way" He said smiling at you.

"Okay thank you"

You spent the rest of the evening backstage watching the concert.

"You feeling better?" James asked as he walked back off stage.

"Much better thanks" You said smiling at him.

"So now it's over you want to get some food"

"I'm alright for food thanks but a drink would be nice" You said smiling at him.

"Sure, also can I have your number? In case you have another panic attack I can help you calm down" He winked at you.

"Of course you can" You said and adde your number to his phone.

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