Tristan Imagine for TylerMerrygold

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Tristan Imagine for TylerMerrygold

"Trisyboo come on" You begged.

"No Tyler" he said folding his arms like a little kid. See you were trying to get him to with you to babysit you little cousin but he was refusing.

"Come on why not" you asked annoyed.

"Because I don't want to go look after a pesky 3 year old" He said shrugging.

"So you won't want kids" you asked sad.

"No I will it's different of it yours but I don't wanna go now I just wanna curl up with a film and some take out" Tris said complaining for the 50th time at least.

"She's 3 she will be a sleep by 7 we can watch films and eat takeout all night long" you said persuading him.

"Fine" he sighed


"Right she's in bed now for them films" Tris said walking down the stairs from putting your cousin to bed.

"You know off someone who complained for an hour straight before coming here you are very good with Poppy" You said smiling.

"Well I guess I was wrong I love kids" Tristan grinned and you clicked play on the film.

You got about 15 minutes into the film, you and Tris where cuddling on the couch when you heard little feet padding down the stairs and a your cousin walk in the room with tears falling down her face.

"What's up boo" You asked hugging her.

"Nightmare" She sobbed.

"Aww it's okay Pop's it was just a dream" You soothed stroking her hair, you lifted her onto the couch and set her beside you and Tristan.

"Do you want to watch this with us?" You asked and she nodded so you clicked play again.

Once the film finished you and Tris took Poppy back to bed but She couldn't get back to sleep so you went to get he some warm milk while Tris stayed with her but when you came back you were pleasantly surprised.

You heard a soft singing from Poppy's room and you crept to the door and saw Tris gently singing She was the one to Poppy.

"I've had trouble sleeping
You feel the same
No, I bet you can't complain
About that at all" He sung softly, you walked in and smiled warmly at him and saw Poppy out cold sleeping.

You creeped out the room and grinned at Tristan.

"What?" He asked.

"You would be a great dad you know" you said poking his chest.

"Well you never know" he winked at you.

"Not so soon though" you laughed an hugged him.

"But I still can't wait"

(Finally up sorry it's a bit late Tyler)

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