Tristan Imagine for Desire

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Tristan Imagine for Desire

"DESSSSSS!" You heard one of the boys yell.

"What?" You called back.

"Come here we need you a second" You groaned and rolled of your bed which ended up with you falling onto the floor.

You strolled down the small hall and into the living room were only Tristan stood waiting for you.

"Hey you" He said hugging you.

"Hey, what was it you wanted?" You asked hugging him back.

"Not much just what I'm about I show you bare in mind I know we have been friends since we were kids but I have felt this way for a while and I really want show you something" He said grabbing your hand and leading you to the door.

"What are you doing Tristan what's going on?" You asked.

"Just look over there" he said pointing to the roof of the venue they were playing tonight.

You looked up and saw the other 3 boys stood grinning at you like idiots. You were confused until they held up a sign.

You squinted to see it because of the sun a saw I read 'Date Tonight?' In bold letters. You looked back to Tristan and saw him looking at you expectantly.

"So?" He asked nervously.

"Yeah of course I will" you said grinning and hugged him.

"Oh thank god I didn't know if you felt the same way" He said squeezing you tightly.

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