#16 - Valentines Day

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Preference #16 - Valentines Day


"(Y/N) come on" James argued.

"No I don't wan to go out" you shrugged and put the TV on.

"Just because Joe broke up with you doesn't mean I'm going to let my best friend stay in on Valentines day" he said and pulled you up and out your front door.

"Get off James let me stay home and drown my sorrows in ice cream" You sulked.

"Nope" he said and picked you and threw you over his shoulder.

You decided not to struggle against him and just lay there on his shoulder.

15 minutes later he finally put you down. You looked round to see that he had walked all the way from your house to the hill at the park near your house.

"James, why are we here?" I asked dumbfound.

"Well I remembered when we were younger we used to come here and sit and look at all the people and laugh and I thought what a better place to tell you some important news than here so here it goes" He took a deep breath and looked you in your eye, "(Y/N) I like you and not as a friend more than that and I thought now that it's valentines day and your now single due to recent events why not give it a shot so (Y/N) will you please be my girlfriend?" He asked looking at you hopefully. You couldn't believe it he had just admitted his feelings towards you.

"Say something!" He pleaded as you sttod there shocked.

"I like you too" You smiled and hugged him. You had finally done it, finally admited your feelings for him after dating that stuck up arsehole Joe for nearly a year to try and get over the fact that James would never like you like that you had finally admited your feelings. Life couldn't be better.


Well your valentines day was looking rubbish. Your boyfriend Brad was out with his frien ds completely forgetti ng the date and you were stuck home watching sappy love movies to try and forget he forget which of course wasn't helping at all!

You had soent 4 hours stuffing your face with Ben and Jerry's ice cream and it was now midnight and Brad still wasn't home so you decided to turn in and go to bed. Just as you were about to drift off you felt the bed dip down and two arms wrap around your waist.

"I'm sorry I forgot today was valentines day, I went out and saw all the decorations but when I was going to come back I thought it musn't be today because all the guys were out if it was they would be with their girlfriends but then on my way home I remembered they were all single and I was a dick for forgetting" He ranted on and about you forgiving him until you turned round and put your hand over his mouth.

"I'm not mad at you, you forget I get it it's not ike it was an important day like my birthday just some silly holiday" You shrugged brushing it off like it was nothing.

"Don't give me that crap (Y/N) I know today was important to you because I remember you drowning on and on about how much you wanted to spend the day with me doing everything we love and I promise I will make it up to you tomorrow" He said and kissed your forhead finally shutting up and letting you sleep.

You spent the next doing everything you both loved, he sung to you whulst you were on a boat in the river as cliche as it sounds you always wanted someone to do it to you and someone finally did.


"Come on babe it valentines day, don't you want to do something special" Tristan asked you.

"No whats more special than spending the day with my Trissy cuddled up in bed doing nothing, I mean come on I know deep down you don't want to go out and do anything and I sure as hell don't this is pefect for us both" You said and higged him.

"When did I get so lucky to have a girl that doesn't care and will spend all day doing nothing with me?" He said kissing you.

"When did I get so lucky to have a boyfriend that lets me do nothing all day, doesn't bug me or make me move a muscle?" You said kissing him again grinning at him.

"Well looks why were the perfect couple, two human sloths that love cuddling" He said bearhugging you.

"Tristan can't, breathe" You choked out.


"How come someone so lanky is so strong" You asked poking his bicep.

"Oh honey I play drums, you should know from experience I do it hard" He growled in your ear.

"How do you take such an innocent question and make it sound so dirty" You laughed and slaped his chest.

"Come on you love it" He said tickling you.

"Yeah don't count on it" You laughed as he tickled you more.


"And open" Connor said taking his hands off your eyes.

"Wow" You gasped looking out from the cliff you were sttod on at the amazing view of the sunset over the ocean.

"Do you like t?" Connor asked sheepishly.

"Like it, I love it thanks Con" You said kissing him.

"Hey it's valentines day" He shrugged.

"Yeah well I'm glad it's this good and not bad or else I would have to kill you" You laughed.

"Yeah, wait, what?" He asked suprised.

"Come on Con you blindfolded me at home and drove all the way here with me blindfolded if it was bad you would of hung, drawn and quatered for doing that" You laughed.

"But, why it was only a drive" He said rubbing the back of his neck.

"Connor we live in London, we're now in Cornwall!" You shouted putting emphasis on London and Cornwall.

"It can't of been that bad" He defended.

"Not that bad? Alright I will drive home and you will wear the blindfold all the way home" You said smirking.

"Fine by me I will just sleep" He shrugged.

"No you won't because I will blast All Time Low and the highest volume all the way just like you did!" You replied devilishly.

"FIne, I'm sorry it's valentines day I should of though it through and booked a hotel for the night before so it wouldn't have been that bad" He replied finally realising what he did.

"Thankyou though, it really did mean a lot and Im sorry for shouting" You said hugging him.

"Me too, come on lets go" he said taking your hand and walking back to the car.

A/N - Oh my you guys are actually awesome 3k+ reads and 200 votes. Thankyou so so so so much.

Got any request message me and I also hope you all have an awesome may bank holiday I will try to update a lot during it for you all.


Love ya xxx

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