Brad Imagine For Megan

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Brad Imagine For Megan

"Brad aren't you supposed to be at the studio?" You asked him as you awoke and found him still lay with you.

"Well yeah but I called James telling him I was sick so I could spend the day with you" He replied groggily.

"But you can spend other days with me your supposed to be recording your next album now" You said confused.

"I didn't want to go and leave you alone for the 5th day running Meg, I feel guilty" He said finally opening his eyes to look at you.

"Aww babe that's okay you know I don't mind you doing what you love" You smiled at him.

"Yeah but I didn't like leaving you alone so today we are having a lazy day with lots of films and chocolates" He said grinning.

"Fine if that's what you want". You replied kissing him and getting up to get the junk food and some films.

"Right I have everything we need" You said walking back into your room just as he came out the bathroom showered in boxers and no shirt.

"Here go take a shower and put these on" He said handing you his favourite shirt and a pair of his boxers.

"Why your clothes and especially why your favourite shirt?" You asked confused.

"My clothes because I love the way they look on you an my favourite because my favourite shirt on my favourite person is my favourite thing" He said happily.

"Okay be back soon" And you disappeared into the bathroom.

You reappeared dressed and went to lie with him on the bed cuddling and watching films all day with no one else which was a miracle because normally all the other boys appear and crash it but today it looked like you got lucky...finally.

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