James Imagine For swethalovesthevamps

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James oneshot for Swethalovesthevamps

It was the 25th May and your 1 year anniversary with James today but he was away on tour. He had sent you a card and it arrived the day before and it said on the front 'Do Not Open Before 25/5/14'.

You left on your bedside table until the next morning and as so as you woke up you sent James a text saying happy anniversary and went to your card. You picked it up and opened it and it was a tatty teddy holding a big heart. He knew you love tatty teddy. But what was written inside was not what you were expecting, it said-

"Dear boo,

I'm sorry you woke up on our anniversary and I wasn't there with you but I have a surprise waiting for you at the place were we first met. Get dresses and go there if you can remember where it was.

See you in a week,

James xxxxxxxx'

You did exactly as the card said and got dressed and led the house as quick as you could and drove to the beach that was about 20 minutes away. You met James on the pier, how did he think you would forget he pushed you of it and into the water and you had only known him for 10 minutes when that happened. You chuckled you yourself and got out your car and starts strolling down the beach looking for...well...you had no idea so you just kept walking.

"SWETHA!" You heard someone yell. You looked up from the stone you were kicking along to see your ex boyfriend Jacob running to you.

"Jacob?" You asked scared to see him.

"Hey babe how'd you know I'd be here?" He said slowing as he reached you.

"I didn't I'm here for a surprise from my boyfriend" you muttered.

"But I'm your boyfriend and I haven't planed a surprise" he said throwing an arm over you shoulder.

"No Jacob you're not my boyfriend your my ex" you said shrugging his arm of you

"I sure hope he is" you heard a voice behind you and you turned to see James.

"JAMES" you yelled an jumped on him.

"Hey babe" he chuckled you stayed latched into hi until you felt two hands pull you off.

"Jacob get off me it's been a year get over it" you yelled annoyed with him.

"What you talking about babe the jigs up you can stop lying tell James he's dumped and you never stopped loving me" he said glaring at James.

"I can't though" you replied glaring at him.

"Why?" He shouted at you.

"Because I love him" you muttered quietly.

"What!" He yelled obviously now annoyed if he wasn't before.

"Mate back off she doesn't want you in here life" James yelled putting his hand on Jacob chest and pushing him backwards.

"I will be back and you will love me not him" Jacob spat turning and walking away.

"Im so sorry James" you said turning to James nearly crying.

"Don't worry Swetha at least something good has happened today.

"What?" You asked confused.

"Well I'm here that's always great, you're here, that's a bonus and most importantly you just said you love me and guess what" he said smiling like a fool.

"What?" You asked smiling as well.

"I love you too" he said kissing you.

You spent the rest of the day doing everything you did when you first met. Yes that did include him pushing you into the water off the pier again but this time you pulled him in after you as well.

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