Connor Imagine for Rachael

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Connor Imagine for Rachael

"RRRRRAAAACCCHHHH" you heard Connor yell from the bedroom.

"YEEAAAAHHH" You screamed back.

"Come here" He shouted a little quieter.

"What's up?" You asked as you got to the room.

"Come cuddle with me" he said stretching his arms out.

"Let me just get breakfast first" You said walking out the room and to the kitchen again.

You brought up pancakes with syrup and strawberries and lay next to him and ate your pancakes.

"Pass me the strawberries babe" Connor said sticking his hand out to you.

"Why ?" You asked handing him them.

"Open up babe" He said and a strawberry appeared in front of your face an you complied.

He fed you half the strawberries and you fed him half.

"We got and grapes babe?" He asked.

"I think so why?" You asked but he didn't answer but got up and ran downstairs and he reappears with grapes and sat at the other end of the bed.

"Why you over there?" You asked him.

"Open" He said and again you complied and he shot a strawberry into your mouth.

This continued till the whole pack had gone and you were both covered along with the bed in grapes but it was a fun morning.

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